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Azon programmasi
Azon programmasi. Namoz vaqtlari hamda kunning hijriy sanasi foydalanuvchi turgan joyning GPS koordinatalari hamda astronomik hisob-kitoblar asosida hisoblanadi. Mamlakat yoxud mahalliy masjiddagi vaqtlardan farq qilishi mumkin. Qibla yo'nalishini ko'rsatuvchi kompasi ham bor.
Except as noted, all source code is licensed under GNU GPLv2.
Based on Adhanalarm
An Android application that uses GPS data and astronomical calculations to notify the user of Muslim prayer times. Also included is a compass that points toward the qibla (direction of prayer) and the hijri date.
- ic_launcher.png is based on artwork by iconshots.
- The rest is created using Android Asset Studio.