csv-conduit copied to clipboard
writeHeaders in a stream with a custom type
I have a custom type and a parser for it.
data Abstracts = Abstracts
{ _id :: !Integer
, _abstract :: !AuAddress
} deriving (Show, Eq)
instance FromField AuAddress where
parseField s =
case parseByteString (step auAddress)
mempty (foldCase s) of
Success x -> pure x
Failure e -> mzero
instance FromNamedRecord Abstracts where
parseNamedRecord m =
Abstracts <$>
I can parse it fine with csv-conduit
module Main where
import Data.Conduit
import Data.Conduit.Binary
import Data.CSV.Conduit
import Data.CSV.Conduit.Conversion
import Addresses
import Instances
csvset :: Char -> CSVSettings
csvset c = CSVSettings {csvSep = c, csvQuoteChar = Just '"'}
file :: FilePath
file = "./data/pat_abstracts.csv"
process :: Monad m => Conduit (Named Abstracts) m (Named Abstracts)
process = awaitForever $ yield
main :: IO ()
main = runResourceT $
sourceFile file .|
intoCSV (csvset ',') .|
process .|
fromCSV (csvset ',') $$
sinkFile "./data/pat_output.csv"
However writeHeaders
' type does not fit in this context.
main :: IO ()
main = runResourceT $
sourceFile file .|
intoCSV (csvset ',') .|
process .|
(writeHeaders (csvset ',') >> fromCSV (csvset ',')) $$
sinkFile "./data/pat_output.csv"
* Couldn't match type `containers-
r0 r0'
with `Named Abstracts'
Expected type: ConduitM
(Named Abstracts)
Actual type: ConduitM
(MapRow r0)
* In the second argument of `(.|)', namely
`(writeHeaders (csvset ',') >> fromCSV (csvset ','))'
In the second argument of `(.|)', namely
`process .| (writeHeaders (csvset ',') >> fromCSV (csvset ','))'
In the second argument of `(.|)', namely
`intoCSV (csvset ',')
.| process .| (writeHeaders (csvset ',') >> fromCSV (csvset ','))'
I'm trying unsuccessfully to figure out how this would be achieved with a custom type. Obviously the headers are just plain text, and I should not parse them with my parser. But I need to set them before I start setting stuff that was parsed.
The complete code for my project is in my conduit-patents repo.