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WebRTC Multi-Peer Example With React & NestJS

WebRTC Multi-Peer Example With React & NestJS

Heroku App: https://react-socket-io-webrtc-client.herokuapp.com/

Start Development

Docker Redis

docker run --name test-redis -d -p 6379:6379 redis

NestJS Server

cd server
yarn install
yarn start:dev

React Client

cd web
yarn install
yarn start
  • Web Client: http://localhost:3000

Heroku Deployment

NestJS Server

heroku create -a nestjs-webrtc-server
heroku git:remote -a nestjs-webrtc-server
heroku features:enable http-session-affinity // Enable Websocket
git subtree push --prefix server heroku master

React Client

heroku create -a react-socket-io-webrtc-client
heroku git:remote -a react-socket-io-webrtc-client
git subtree push --prefix web heroku master

Production environment defined on Heroku Dashboard with Config Vars