SQLite.Net-PCL copied to clipboard
Simple, powerful, cross-platform SQLite client and ORM - Updated version with PCL support
The `SQLitePlatformWin32` constructor allows for a `nativeInteropSearchPath`. I followed this guide to merge my SQLite.Interop.dll https://idmedia.no/general/including-sqlite-interop-dll-into-your-c-project/ How can I tell this constructor to use the embedded resource? From what I...
Can i use this library to return a result set rather than objects? And poulate objects using a result set? How do you setup mappings to custom objects.. Example I...
How to save blob using this? What kind of datatype must i have in a class to translate to BLOB type in sqlite? Thank you!
Xamarin caused by: android.runtime.JavaProxyThrowable: System.DllNotFoundException: esqlite3 SQLite.Net.Platform.XamarinAndroid.SQLiteApiAndroidInternal.sqlite3_open_v2(byte[], ref intptr, int, intptr)(wrapper managed-to-native) SQLite.Net.Platform.XamarinAndroid.SQLiteApiAndroid.Open(byte[] filename, ref IDbHandle db, int flags, IntPtr zvfs):0 SQLite.Net.SQLiteConnection.SQLiteConnection(ISQLitePlatform sqlitePlatform, string databasePath, SQLiteOpenFlags openFlags, bool storeDateTimeAsTicks, IBlobSerializer...
HI, I have an iOS app versrion 1.0 released in market. There is table named 'XYZ', filled with data (Project contains the data structure of 'XYZ'''). Now working on the...
If you call `Execute` with a query that contains concatenated commands, e.g. `update Job set Done=0; update Workers set Busy=0`, the second command is silently ignored. The silently part is...
Hi guys, I updated MobileCenter. MobileCenter added .NET Core in my projects. The bad consequence is SQLite is working but not for select. When I execute this easy code public...
Updated to 3.1.0 from 3.0.5 and can't build now as SQLite.Net.Platform.XamarinAndroid has disappeared from my package list. Suggestions please
Hello, var sqlitePlatform = new SQLite.Net.Platform.XamarinAndroid.SQLitePlatformAndroid(); OR var sqlitePlatform = new SQLite.Net.Platform.XamarinAndroid.SQLitePlatformIOS(); both cause this error: "VTable setup of type SQLite.Net.Platform.XamarinAndroid.SQLiteApiAndroid failed" OR "VTable setup of type SQLite.Net.Platform.XamarinIOS.SQLiteApiIOS failed" All...
Is it possible to mock a sqlite database so I can use it for unit testing? If so can you show me an example how I can acomplish it