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cpp deep_sort: C++ implementation of Simple Online Realtime Tracking with a Deep Association Metric
when i run the make.sh file,it report this problem,and i can not find these libs even in my opencv build ldirectory,can you tell me what makes that happen?and how to...
l have this problem when I dong “sudo ./make.sh” l reinstall eigen lib many times, what should l do? l am looking forword to seeing you can help me to...
Hi, I read your code. But I want to replace the iou matching matrix, where can I find in the code?
Hi, Thank you very much for response.Could this code be used in windows?
Hello,thanks for your code. when I build the project in vs2013, there are some errors:  I searched online for a long time, but the solutions didn't work. Can you...
`__mm_storeu_ps` will write 128 bits to address of pointer. It would cause memory corruption if memory allocated here is not large enough. It may fixes #10
I need to track heads, instead of person. I have used your tracker, but it keep switching ID even without occlusion. My suspect is tt1.pb was trained on "person" data...
Hi, thank you for providing a c++ implementation of DS. I am facing some issues with memory during the execution of the program. I am using opencv to read frames...
Hi,Thanks for your nice work. I have a question about how to get a right model. I tried to use “nwojke/cosine_metric_learning” to train my own model,but the c++ program will...
Hi, Thanks for this implementation. I would like to know if there is any performance gain using this implementation compared to author's implementation when dealing with relatively large number of...