retinadisplayproblem copied to clipboard
Similar issue with Dell U3011
I had what appears to be a similar issue with a Dell U3011 (revision A0). It wasn't due to the computer, but rather it was a problem with the monitor. It manifested itself in both Linux and Windows. It wasn't related to the cable or the video card (swapped out for different cables and different computers). So not exactly the same, but maybe this gives you some inspiration as to getting to the bottom of the problem.
When certain colors were on the left half of the screen (the threshold was exactly down the middle of the monitor -- I created a background image with the line down the center to confirm), the monitor would display garbage. If a certain percent of the left half was composed of these problematic colors, the monitor would loose sync completely.
You can see what it did in this video:
I collected swatches of all the colors that caused the problem to see if I could detect a pattern (you can see them in the video, those squares in the file manager are the icons for the swatches files).
Called Dell and got a replacement monitor (revision A2), no problems with the replacement.
The list of RGB values that caused this problem:
001b33 764e35 955033
001c32 765026 955927
0059f6 76502b 957e64
005ca3 765125 965128
014dfb 768e64 985834
0303b1 774023 9896ac
0450f1 77542e 98d6f5
051a30 778cb0 a40325
0551f0 77d064 a45025
0650e7 78c4f3 a5d0ed
080425 795731 a78d70
0d1b34 795933 a7d6f3
0e0c34 79c4f2 a7d8f6
204f25 7a0d34 a8caf1
2050b0 7a5027 ac00ac
205125 7a5125 af00af
24571c 7bc4f1 afcbf3
3366ff 7c5025 b9501e
535562 7e4126 b9c5b4
5858f5 7e5127 bcd9a3
5959fc 7f5c72 be4713
5b4025 864027 c5d9f1
6b5933 865025 c64026
733d1b 865026 c9d7f1
754d34 865d27 c9d7f5
764026 885132 d45e78
764027 91c4f6 d94125
76462f 955026 d9bea0
764e34 955027 d9caa3
This is pretty nuts! I'll try to reproduce the problem. Thanks for sharing!