TEI-Facsimile-Plugin copied to clipboard
A plugin that provides support for working with Digital Facsimiles in Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) vocabulary. The plugin contributes a new View in which the user can load an image and draw shape...
The TEI vocabulary allows marking non rectangular-zones: <facsimile> <surface ulx="0" uly="0" lrx="200" lry="300"> <graphic url="Bovelles-49r.png"/> <zone points="4.8,31.0 5.4,30.7 5.5,32.2 5.8,32.8 6.1,33.4 5.5,33.7 5.1,33.3 4.6,32.2"/> </surface> </facsimile> We need another decorator...
at the moment it is only possible to open images via file browser or by marking the target URL in the editor. With multi-page facsimiles it would be feasible to...