Arduino-MAX30100 copied to clipboard
I get value of Zero if i merged my code with any other sensor or tried to upload it on Ubidots
Troubleshooting checklist
- [Yes] I read the README (on master) thoroughly
- [Yes] I ran the MAX30100_Tester and I'm going to paste the output down below
- [Yes] I filled in all the details of my setup down below
Description of the issue
I can't merge MAX30100 code with any other sensors i always get 0s
Output from MAX30100_Tester example
Details of my setup
The issue is kinda complicated as MAX30100 had been modified by desoldering the 3 resistors 4.7k and making external resistors .. I have been trying to make MAX30100 works with another codes but with no use on Nodemcu v2 / Arduino Uno .. tried to just upload the data on Ubidots but i get zeros always .. i even tried to use Arduino as master and send data through Serial communication but no use i get zeros value .. I traced the code all along on the MAX30100 code alone if i added delay more than 90 ms it will not detect any beat ... So is there anyway i can merge MAX30100 with ECG Sensor AD8232 and upload the data to Ubidots ?
One of my trial codes: #include <PubSubClient.h>
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
- Include Libraries ****************************************/ #include "UbidotsESPMQTT.h" #include <Wire.h> #include "MAX30100_PulseOximeter.h"
- Define Constants ****************************************/ #define TOKEN "BBFF-19b5dcYiCZyQuGqI9TUynsDhSNYJEa" // Your Ubidots TOKEN #define WIFINAME "Dido" //Your SSID #define WIFIPASS "Hidden" // Your Wifi Pass
PulseOximeter pox; uint32_t tsLastReport = 0;
int hr = 0; int spo= 0; Ubidots client(TOKEN);
- Auxiliar Functions ****************************************/
void callback(char* topic, byte* payload, unsigned int length) { Serial.print("Message arrived ["); Serial.print(topic); Serial.print("] "); for (int i=0;i<length;i++) { Serial.print((char)payload[i]); } Serial.println(); }
void onBeatDetected() { Serial.println("Beat!"); } /****************************************
- Main Functions ****************************************/
void setup() { // put your setup code here, to run once: client.ubidotsSetBroker(""); // Sets the broker properly for the industrial account client.setDebug(true); // Pass a true or false bool value to activate debug messages Serial.begin(115200); client.wifiConnection(WIFINAME, WIFIPASS); client.begin(callback); Serial.print("Initializing Connection.."); delay(2000); Serial.print("Initializing pulse oximeter.."); pinMode(16,OUTPUT); // Initialize the PulseOximeter instance // Failures are generally due to an improper I2C wiring, missing power supply // or wrong target chip if (!pox.begin()) { Serial.println("FAILED"); for(;;); } else { Serial.println("SUCCESS"); } pox.setIRLedCurrent(MAX30100_LED_CURR_7_6MA);
// Register a callback for the beat detection
void loop() {
// Serial.print("Loop Started"); // put your main code here, to run repeatedly: if(!client.connected()){ client.reconnect(); } pox.update(); if (millis() - tsLastReport > REPORTING_PERIOD_MS) { Serial.print("Heart rate:"); hr = pox.getHeartRate(); Serial.print(hr); Serial.print("bpm / SpO2:"); spo=pox.getSpO2(); Serial.print(spo); Serial.println("%"); client.add("Heart rate",hr); client.add("Oximeter",spo); client.ubidotsPublish("Er7amny"); client.loop(); tsLastReport = millis(); }
- Arduino hardware: Nodemcu v2
- MAX30100 breakout: The Green one with hardware issue
- Arduino framework version: 1.8.15
- MAX30100 library version: latest
please help me if issue is resolved , i am also facing the same issue.
You need to make the modification of resistors thing in the sensor and it will work fine
On Fri, Aug 27, 2021, 4:40 PM Banadesh708 @.***> wrote:
please help me if issue is resolved , i am also facing the same issue.
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Shall I have to vary the resistance or change the circuit connections , can u please detail me out , I have been stuck in this from past 3 days.
using setClock function of Wire library ensure to maintain the clock speed to be 100000 in the setup function