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Megalinter v6 freezes in Gitlab CI

Open schorlton opened this issue 1 year ago • 14 comments

Megalinter v6 is freezing in Gitlab CI and I'm not sure how to debug. v5.17.0 works flawlessly.


Running megalinter in Gitlab on a shared runner using your suggested template. I disabled parallel execution to debug.

  stage: lint
  image: oxsecurity/megalinter:v6.5.0
  script: ["true"]
    # All available variables are described in documentation
    PARALLEL: "false"
    when: always
      - megalinter-reports
    expire_in: 1 week
  interruptible: true

It successfully pulls the image and runs until hadolint:

Running with gitlab-runner 15.3.0~beta.42.gdb7789ca (db7789ca)
  on J2nyww-s
Preparing the "docker+machine" executor 03:46
Using Docker executor with image oxsecurity/megalinter:v6.5.0 ...
Pulling docker image oxsecurity/megalinter:v6.5.0 ...
Using docker image sha256:5edff1422a258f93f1ba19a9c48ef1328ef50cabd87054f69eaf9a1aa10970bd for oxsecurity/megalinter:v6.5.0 with digest oxsecurity/megalinter@sha256:586effe9bec89667601bd2168e5576970a648c79b8b5bd2bf19c4440edfb257d ...
Preparing environment 00:04
Running on runner-j2nyww-s-project-18942007-concurrent-0 via runner-j2nyww-s-shared-1660928858-82342b69...
Getting source from Git repository 00:03
Fetching changes with git depth set to 50...
Initialized empty Git repository in /builds/schorlton/test/.git/
Created fresh repository.
Checking out 2697be3c as refs/merge-requests/874/head...
Skipping Git submodules setup
Executing "step_script" stage of the job script
Using docker image sha256:5edff1422a258f93f1ba19a9c48ef1328ef50cabd87054f69eaf9a1aa10970bd for oxsecurity/megalinter:v6.5.0 with digest oxsecurity/megalinter@sha256:586effe9bec89667601bd2168e5576970a648c79b8b5bd2bf19c4440edfb257d ...
Setting git default: /github/workspace ...
Setting git to /tmp/lint ...
[MegaLinter init] ONE-SHOT RUN
[config] /builds/schorlton/test/.mega-linter.yml + Environment variables
------------------------------------ MegaLinter, by OX Security ------------------------------------
 - Image Creation Date: 2022-08-15T19:43:12Z
 - Image Revision: eca13fcbb
 - Image Version: v6.5.0
The MegaLinter documentation can be found at:
MegaLinter initialization (expand for details)
[Activation] EDITORCONFIG_EDITORCONFIG_CHECKER has been set inactive, as none of these files has been found: ['.editorconfig']
[Activation] JAVASCRIPT_ES has been set inactive, as none of these files has been found: ['.eslintrc.json', '.eslintrc.yml', '.eslintrc.yaml', '.eslintrc.js', '.eslintrc.cjs', 'package.json:eslintConfig']
[Activation] JSX_ESLINT has been set inactive, as none of these files has been found: ['.eslintrc.json', '.eslintrc.yml', '.eslintrc.yaml', '.eslintrc.js', '.eslintrc.cjs', 'package.json:eslintConfig']
[Activation] REPOSITORY_GOODCHECK has been set inactive, as none of these files has been found: ['goodcheck.yml']
[Activation] SPELL_PROSELINT has been set inactive, as none of these files has been found: ['.proselintrc', 'proselint/config.json']
[Activation] SQL_SQLFLUFF has been set inactive, as none of these files has been found: ['.sqlfluff']
[Activation] SWIFT_SWIFTLINT has been set inactive, as none of these files has been found: ['.swiftlint.yml']
[Activation] TSX_ESLINT has been set inactive, as none of these files has been found: ['.eslintrc.json', '.eslintrc.yml', '.eslintrc.yaml', '.eslintrc.js', '.eslintrc.cjs', 'package.json:eslintConfig']
[Activation] TYPESCRIPT_ES has been set inactive, as none of these files has been found: ['.eslintrc.json', '.eslintrc.yml', '.eslintrc.yaml', '.eslintrc.js', '.eslintrc.cjs', 'package.json:eslintConfig']
MARKDOWN_REMARK_LINT has been temporary disabled in MegaLinter, please use a previous MegaLinter version or wait for the next one !
SNAKEMAKE_SNAKEFMT has been temporary disabled in MegaLinter, please use a previous MegaLinter version or wait for the next one !
To receive reports as email, please set variable EMAIL_REPORTER_EMAIL
MegaLinter now collects the files to analyse (expand for details)
Listing all files in directory [/builds/schorlton/test], then filter with:
- File extensions: , .R, .RMD, .Rmd, .bash, .c, .c++, .cc, .cdxml, .clj, .cljc, .cljs, .coffee, .cpp, .cs, .css, .cu, .cuh, .cxx, .dart, .dash, .edn, .env, .feature, .go, .gradle, .graphql, .groovy, .gvy, .h, .h++, .hcl, .hh, .hpp, .htm, .html, .hxx, .java, .js, .json, .json5, .jsonc, .ksh, .kt, .kts, .lua, .md, .nf, .p6, .php, .pl, .pl6, .pm, .pm6, .pp, .proto, .ps1, .ps1xml, .psd1, .psm1, .psrc, .pssc, .py, .r, .raku, .rakumod, .rakutest, .rb, .rs, .rst, .saas, .scala, .scss, .sh, .smk, .sql, .t, .tex, .tf, .ts, .vb, .xml, .yaml, .yml
- File names (regex): Dockerfile, Jenkinsfile, Makefile, Snakefile
- Excluding regex: (redacted)
- Excluding .gitignored files [1]: /builds/schorlton/test/megalinter-reports/megalinter.log
Kept [297] files on [316] found files
+----MATCHING LINTERS-------------------+--------------------------------------+----------------+------------+
| Descriptor | Linter                   | Criteria                             | Matching files | Format/Fix |
| PYTHON     | pylint                   | .py                                  | 84             | no         |
| PYTHON     | black                    | .py                                  | 84             | no         |
| PYTHON     | flake8                   | .py                                  | 84             | no         |
| PYTHON     | isort                    | .py                                  | 84             | no         |
| BASH       | bash-exec                | .sh|.bash|.dash|.ksh                 | 26             | no         |
| BASH       | shellcheck               | .sh|.bash|.dash|.ksh                 | 26             | no         |
| BASH       | shfmt                    | .sh|.bash|.dash|.ksh                 | 26             | no         |
| COPYPASTE  | jscpd                    |                                      | project        | no         |
| DOCKERFILE | hadolint                 | Dockerfile                           | 50             | no         |
| GROOVY     | npm-groovy-lint          | .groovy|.gvy|.gradle|.nf|Jenkinsfile | 55             | no         |
| JSON       | jsonlint                 | .json                                | 7              | no         |
| JSON       | eslint-plugin-jsonc      | .json|.json5|.jsonc                  | 7              | no         |
| JSON       | v8r                      | .json                                | 7              | no         |
| JSON       | prettier                 | .json                                | 7              | no         |
| MARKDOWN   | markdownlint             | .md                                  | 5              | no         |
| MARKDOWN   | markdown-link-check      | .md                                  | 5              | no         |
| MARKDOWN   | markdown-table-formatter | .md                                  | 5              | no         |
| PROTOBUF   | protolint                | .proto                               | 1              | no         |
| REPOSITORY | dustilock                |                                      | project        | no         |
| REPOSITORY | git_diff                 |                                      | project        | no         |
| REPOSITORY | gitleaks                 |                                      | project        | no         |
| REPOSITORY | syft                     |                                      | project        | no         |
| SPELL      | misspell                 |                                      | 297            | no         |
| TERRAFORM  | tflint                   | .tf                                  | 6              | no         |
| TERRAFORM  | terragrunt               | .hcl                                 | 1              | no         |
| TERRAFORM  | terraform-fmt            | .tf                                  | 6              | no         |
| TERRAFORM  | checkov                  | .tf                                  | 6              | no         |
| YAML       | prettier                 | .yml|.yaml                           | 8              | no         |
| YAML       | yamllint                 | .yml|.yaml                           | 8              | no         |
| YAML       | v8r                      | .yml|.yaml                           | 8              | no         |
✅ Linted [PYTHON] files with [pylint] successfully - (14.14s) (expand for details)
- Using [pylint v2.14.5]
- MegaLinter key: [PYTHON_PYLINT]
- Rules config: [.pylintrc]
- Number of files analyzed: [84]
✅ Linted [PYTHON] files with [black] successfully - (3.62s) (expand for details)
- Using [black v22.6.0]
- MegaLinter key: [PYTHON_BLACK]
- Rules config: [pyproject.toml]
- Number of files analyzed: [84]
✅ Linted [PYTHON] files with [flake8] successfully - (2.62s) (expand for details)
- Using [flake8 v5.0.4]
- MegaLinter key: [PYTHON_FLAKE8]
- Rules config: [/builds/schorlton/test/.flake8]
- Number of files analyzed: [84]
✅ Linted [PYTHON] files with [isort] successfully - (0.3s) (expand for details)
- Using [isort v5.10.1]
- MegaLinter key: [PYTHON_ISORT]
- Rules config: [/builds/schorlton/test/.isort.cfg]
- Number of files analyzed: [84]
✅ Linted [BASH] files with [bash-exec] successfully - (0.11s) (expand for details)
- Using [bash-exec v5.1.16]
- MegaLinter key: [BASH_EXEC]
- Rules config: identified by [bash-exec]
- Number of files analyzed: [26]
✅ Linted [BASH] files with [shellcheck] successfully - (0.57s) (expand for details)
- Using [shellcheck v0.8.0]
- MegaLinter key: [BASH_SHELLCHECK]
- Rules config: identified by [shellcheck]
- Number of files analyzed: [26]
✅ Linted [BASH] files with [shfmt] successfully - (0.11s) (expand for details)
- Using [shfmt v3.6.0]
- MegaLinter key: [BASH_SHFMT]
- Rules config: identified by [shfmt]
- Number of files analyzed: [26]
✅ Linted [COPYPASTE] files with [jscpd] successfully - (4.07s) (expand for details)
- Using [jscpd v3.3.26]
- MegaLinter key: [COPYPASTE_JSCPD]
- Rules config: [.jscpd.json]
✅ Linted [DOCKERFILE] files with [hadolint] successfully - (3.33s) (expand for details)
- Using [hadolint v2.10.0]
- Rules config: [/builds/schorlton/test/.hadolint.yaml]
- Number of files analyzed: [50]

At this point, it times out after an hour. The linting works flawlessly in v6 locally and is quick. When I follow along locally, it seems that npm-groovy-lint runs after hadolint, so I wonder if this is what is freezing?

Thanks for any tips!

schorlton avatar Aug 19 '22 17:08 schorlton

I would try running with LOG_LEVEL: DEBUG and DISABLE_LINTERS: GROOVY. If you can prove that a particular linter is hanging, then I would try running it directly to assess whether the issue is related to MegaLinter.

Kurt-von-Laven avatar Aug 19 '22 20:08 Kurt-von-Laven

@schorlton I recently released a new npm-groovy-lint version that can accept a list of files Please could you disable groovy like suggested by @Kurt-von-Laven , so we can know if npm-groovy-lint is responsible for the timeout ?

Or any chance we could have access to the gitlab repo ?

nvuillam avatar Aug 22 '22 14:08 nvuillam

(if npm-groovy-lint is guilty, you may also use GROOVY_NPM_GROOVY_LINT_CLI_LINT_MODE: file, it will be slower but may work before a fix is published )

nvuillam avatar Aug 22 '22 14:08 nvuillam

Thank you both for your feedback. I'm confirming it's npm-groovy-lint, and changing GROOVY_NPM_GROOVY_LINT_CLI_LINT_MODE did not help. The linting works locally which makes me think maybe it's a resource limitation of the GitLab CI environment? It's weird that it broke going from v5 to v6. I unfortunately cannot provide access to our repo, but please let me know if there's any other debugging I can help with. You may be able to reproduce this issue by simply running a big (several hundred line) file through npm-groovy-lint on GitLab CI - in file mode, it looks like it was frozen on the first file.

schorlton avatar Aug 24 '22 05:08 schorlton

Please can you try defining the following in your MegaLinter config file ?


nvuillam avatar Aug 24 '22 19:08 nvuillam

Please can you try defining the following in your MegaLinter config file ? GROOVY_NPM_GROOVY_LINT_ARGUMENTS: --noserver

Should I also keep GROOVY_NPM_GROOVY_LINT_CLI_LINT_MODE: file or remove that before running?

schorlton avatar Sep 01 '22 14:09 schorlton

you can try first to remove GROOVY_NPM_GROOVY_LINT_CLI_LINT_MODE: file and see what happens with only GROOVY_NPM_GROOVY_LINT_ARGUMENTS: --noserver :)

nvuillam avatar Sep 01 '22 17:09 nvuillam

you can try first to remove GROOVY_NPM_GROOVY_LINT_CLI_LINT_MODE: file and see what happens with only GROOVY_NPM_GROOVY_LINT_ARGUMENTS: --noserver :)

That fixed it!! :smile:

schorlton avatar Sep 01 '22 17:09 schorlton

Addendum: premature excitement. It got further but freezes on:

npm-groovy-lint results in 128 linted files:
│ (index) │ Severity  │ Total found │
│    0    │  'Error'  │      0      │
│    1    │ 'Warning' │      7      │
│    2    │  'Info'   │     129     │
Failure: 0 error(s) have been found 
 7 warning(s) have been found 
 129 info(s) have been found
Linter version command: ['/node-deps/node_modules/.bin/npm-groovy-lint', '--version']

schorlton avatar Sep 01 '22 17:09 schorlton

You may want to try running npm-groovy-lint directly in GitLab CI (without MegaLinter). If you can reproduce the hang that way, this probably belongs in npm-groovy-lint's issue tracker. Maybe they need to expose a config option that limits resource consumption in some way?

Kurt-von-Laven avatar Sep 01 '22 19:09 Kurt-von-Laven

@schorlton Oh, so the --version is boring :o Do you have some public repo where I could see the problem ?

@Kurt-von-Laven "they" is kind of .... me 🤣 I'm the creator/maintainer of npm-groovy-lint... and only maintainer 😭

nvuillam avatar Sep 01 '22 20:09 nvuillam

Ha ha ha ha, so sorry.

Kurt-von-Laven avatar Sep 01 '22 21:09 Kurt-von-Laven

@Kurt-von-Laven - yes I'm sorry for polluting megalinter repo with likely external issue. Thanks for understanding. @nvuillam - big thanks for your help on debugging. Unfortunately, this is a private repo and I can't share as it's protected IP. My best suggestion is to try running in gitlab CI on ~128 nextflow files with ~129 infos and ~7 warnings...perhaps running on one of the nf-core repos may reproduce?

schorlton avatar Sep 02 '22 23:09 schorlton

That may indeed be caused by the big amount of nextflow files.... I'll test with npm-groovy-lint and try to pimp it :)

nvuillam avatar Sep 02 '22 23:09 nvuillam

@nvuillam, wondering if you've been able to reproduce? Would be really nice to switch to Megalinter v6 with all of its improvements, but this is precluding the switch. Thanks!

schorlton avatar Sep 29 '22 20:09 schorlton

@schorlton I'm finalizing a pull request on codenarc to arrange that, then it will arrive in npm-groovy-lint, then megalinter :) Slow but progressing :)

nvuillam avatar Sep 29 '22 20:09 nvuillam

nvuillam avatar Sep 29 '22 20:09 nvuillam

Amazing. If I understand, it was a performance issue? Was too many files crashing it on Gitlab due to resource constraints?

schorlton avatar Sep 29 '22 21:09 schorlton

This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had recent activity. It will be closed in 14 days if no further activity occurs. Thank you for your contributions.

If you think this issue should stay open, please remove the O: stale 🤖 label or comment on the issue.

github-actions[bot] avatar Oct 30 '22 01:10 github-actions[bot]

Please stay open :pray:

schorlton avatar Oct 30 '22 23:10 schorlton

@schorlton I have to wait for CodeNarc new release... they are not frequent as MegaLinter... ^^

nvuillam avatar Oct 30 '22 23:10 nvuillam