ipynb2LiterateJulia icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
ipynb2LiterateJulia copied to clipboard

NBConverter stuff to convert Jupyter Notebooks in to Julia Literate.jl files (This is the opposite of Literate.jl)


NBConverter stuff to convert Jupyter Notebooks in to Literate.jl files (This is the opposite of Literate.jl)


  1. We start with this notebook: ODEIntroduction.ipynb
  2. we run bash literate_run_nbconvert.sh demo/ODEIntroduction.ipynb to generate this Literate julia file: ODEIntroduction.jl
  3. we run the Literate.jl script to generate the markdown, notebook and script files in literate_output/:
julia> Literate.markdown("demo/ODEIntroduction.jl", "demo/literate_output/")
[ Info: generating markdown page from `~/.julia/environments/WeaveAwayNotebooks/demo/ODEIntroduction.jl`
[ Info: not running on Travis, skipping links will not be correct.
[ Info: writing result to `~/.julia/environments/WeaveAwayNotebooks/demo/literate_output/ODEIntroduction.md`

julia> Literate.notebook("demo/ODEIntroduction.jl", "demo/literate_output/"; execute=false) # executing require packages to be installed
[ Info: generating notebook from `~/.julia/environments/WeaveAwayNotebooks/demo/ODEIntroduction.jl`
[ Info: not running on Travis, skipping links will not be correct.
[ Info: writing result to `~/.julia/environments/WeaveAwayNotebooks/demo/literate_output/ODEIntroduction.ipynb`

julia> Literate.script("demo/ODEIntroduction.jl", "demo/literate_output/"; execute=false)
[ Info: generating plain script file from `~/.julia/environments/WeaveAwayNotebooks/demo/ODEIntroduction.jl`
[ Info: not running on Travis, skipping links will not be correct.
[ Info: writing result to `~/.julia/environments/WeaveAwayNotebooks/demo/literate_output/ODEIntroduction.jl`

julia script

We also provide a short and simple Julia script for running the process. It is in the file [literate_run_nbconvert.jl]. Step 2 above can be replaced with:

julia> include("literate_run_nbconvert.jl")

julia> literate_run_nbconvert("demo/")