nil icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
nil copied to clipboard

NIx Language server, an incremental analysis assistant for writing in Nix.

nil: Language server for Nix Expression Language

🚧 This project is under development, but be happy to try it out!

Super fast incremental analysis! Scans all-packages.nix in less than 0.1s and completes with no delay!


  • [x] Goto definition. textDocument/definition
    • [x] Local bindings.
    • [x] Target of relative paths.
  • [x] Find references. textDocument/reference
    • [x] Local binding references.
    • [x] With expression references.
  • [x] Completion. textDocument/completion
    • [x] Builtin names.
    • [x] Local bindings and rec-attrset fields.
    • [x] Keywords.
    • [ ] Attrset fields.
  • [x] Diagnostics. textDocument/publishDiagnostics
    • Syntax errors.
      • Incomplete syntax errors are currently suppressed to avoid noisy outputs during typing.
    • [x] Hard semantic errors reported as parse errors by Nix, like duplicated keys in attrsets.
    • [x] Undefiend names.
    • [x] Warnings of legacy syntax.
    • [x] Warnings of unnecessary syntax.
    • [x] Warnings of unused bindings, with and rec.
    • [ ] Client pulled diagnostics.
  • [ ] Cross-file analysis.
  • [ ] Multi-threaded.


This repo is packaged via Nix flakes, the language server binary package is available through the default flake output github:oxalica/nil# with the path bin/nil.

You can enable flakes support in your nix configuration, and then run nix profile install github:oxalica/nil to get nil installed. You can also use this repository as a flake input and add its output to your own flake-managed systemwide or home configuration.

Flake output structure:

β”‚   └───(...)
    β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€β”€default: package 'nil-unstable-2022-08-04'
    β”‚   └───nil: package 'nil-unstable-2022-08-04'

For neovim nvim-lspconfig user

Add the following vimscript to your configuration.

lua <<EOF
  require('lspconfig').rnix.setup {
    autostart = true,
    -- Ensure `nil` is in your PATH.
    cmd = { "nil" },

For emacs eglot user

Add the following elisp code to your configuration. (using use-package)

(use-package nix-mode)
(use-package eglot
  ;; Ensure `nil` is in your PATH.
  (add-to-list 'eglot-server-programs '(nix-mode . ("nil")))
  (nix-mode . eglot-ensure))


"nil" is primarily distributed under the terms of both the MIT license and the Apache License (Version 2.0).