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A Corporeal CryptoCoin for Coloradians

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UPDATE - 2018/02 - Read about ColoradoCoin at ETHDenver

Colorado Coin (COLO) - A SolidCoin

An experimental ERC20 token for organizating local communities. Dogfooded at Boulder Blockchain (and hopefully more Colorad-based meetups soon!)

Credit for the idea goes to Paul Foley, Rhys Lindmark, Kevin Seagraves. This concept is meant to be by and for the community; this repo is just one of the many possible implementations of it. Hat tip to Jonathan Palmer for helping with laser cutting and printing.

How it works.

ColoradoCoins can be physically created by:

  1. Printing the image above.
  2. mint()ing some coins (see below) and placing them into a YouveGotETH QR Code.
  3. Physically affixing the ColoradoCoin image to the sticker printed in #1.

The QR Code that represents the private key (and a small amount of ETH for transfering them) via a YouveGotETH link.

Here's what they look like:

I'm aware the build quality needs improvement. This is a v0. (If you know anyone who could up the build quality, please contact me on twitter).

Anywho, here's what the 'receive' interface looks like:

Deployed Addresses

Token Distribution

Right now, there are 1200 tokens on the mainnet.

The tokens distribution as follows is:

  • 1200 tokens: ETHDenver hackathon

Process for minting new tokens

As tokens are minted, this read me will be updated. If you're not the trusting type (and hey, you shouldn't be since we're in a trustless ecosystem), check the deployed contracts above for "mint" events or "mint" transactions.

Token Distribution Changelog

  • 02/15/2018 - Minted 1200 tokens for
  • 12/28/2017 - Minted 300 tokens for demo purposes.
  • 9/4/2017 - Minted 100 tokens for demo purposes.

Misc Links

Legal Stuff

These tokens are just given out for fun. They are never sold for money, fiat, or otherwise. They have no exchange value and the creators are not liable for their use or exchange. For more information, see the LICENSE file in this repository.