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[web] Open shares without having to accept it
User Stories
As a user I don't want to accept shares so that I can just klick on a share to access it.
Acceptance Criteria
- klick on a share shows the resource
- no "accept" aka "sync" needed
Definition of ready
[ ] everybody needs to understand the value written in the user story [ ] acceptance criteria has to be defined [ ] all dependencies of the user story need to be identified [ ] feature should be seen from an end user perspective [ ] user story has to be estimated [ ] story points need to be less then 20
Definition of done
- Functional requirements [ ] functionality described in the user story works [ ] acceptance criteria are fulfilled
- Quality [ ] code review happened [ ] CI is green [ ] critical code received unit tests by the developer [ ] automated tests passed (if automated tests are not available, this test needs to be created and passed
- Non-functional requirements [ ] no sonar cloud issues
~depend on Sharing NG and #9709~
Open question:
- How to retrieve unaccepted/unsynced shares: via mount points (they are currently missing) or does Web need to fetch mount points and OCS API @micbar @butonic
To-Dos for Web: (hopefully) only adjust mount point fetching if we go via the first solution
depends on sharing NG
@JammingBen could you list what would be needed to move this issue forward?
@JammingBen could you list what would be needed to move this issue forward?
@dschmidt Do you know from the top of your head? 🤔 I need to dig into this topic again...
As discussed with @dschmidt , we need to do some research here as this topic is super complex and none of us remembers the exact things that are needed here. I hope to come up with something early next week so we might be able to tackle this within the next sprint.
Okay so I digged into it, looks like we have all the necessary information from the server now. So all that's necessary is to get started in Web.