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[ocis] Add S3NG consistency check
- S3ng
- snapshots
User Stories
As an Admin I want an option to check if my backup is consistent so that I'm reassured that its complete and restorable.
As an Admin I want an option to check if my data are consistent so that I'm reassured that there are not erroneous data.
Acceptance Criteria
- add ocis command to check for consistency
- the command checks the consistency of the decomposed fs, including the blob store
- consistency check should not rely on a running ocis
- symlinks/references can be followed / are not broken
- referenced blob exists
- no blobs without reference exists
- check if file metadata are complete (xattr, msgpack...?)
- if there are inconsistencies, return a list of the inconsistencies
- Note: search does not need to be checked; NATS does not need to be checked within the check
Definition of ready
- [ ] Everybody needs to understand the value written in the user story
- [ ] Acceptance criteria have to be defined
- [ ] All dependencies of the user story need to be identified
- [ ] Feature should be seen from an end user perspective
- [ ] Story has to be estimated
- [ ] Story points need to be less than 20
Definition of done
- Functional requirements
- [ ] Functionality described in the user story works
- [ ] Acceptance criteria are fulfilled
- Quality
- [ ] Code review happened
- [ ] CI is green (that includes new and existing automated tests)
- [ ] Critical code received unit tests by the developer
- Non-functional requirements
- [ ] No sonar cloud issues
- Configuration changes
- [ ] The next branch of the ocis charts is compatible