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Refactor `/apiAuth/cors.feature` tests for OCIS

Open SwikritiT opened this issue 2 years ago • 0 comments

The tests in apiAuth/cors.feature needs to be refactored so that they run in OCIS too. right now we have step And user "Alice" has added "https://aphno.badal" to the list of personal CORS domains which runs some occ comands which is not relevant in OCIS. So the tests there need some kind of refactoring so that they support both backends.

the tests in this file are currently in expected to fail

Right now if I run tests from this file on OCIS it fails as so

@api @issue-ocis-reva-26 @issue-ocis-reva-27
Feature: CORS headers

  Background:                                                                              # /home/swikriti/www/core/tests/acceptance/features/apiAuth/cors.feature:4
    Given user "Alice" has been created with default attributes and without skeleton files # FeatureContext::userHasBeenCreatedWithDefaultAttributesAndWithoutSkeletonFiles()

  @skipOnOcV10.8 @skipOnOcV10.9.0 @skipOnOcV10.9.1
  Scenario Outline: CORS headers should be returned when setting CORS domain sending Origin header # /home/swikriti/www/core/tests/acceptance/features/apiAuth/cors.feature:8
    Given using OCS API version "<ocs_api_version>"                                                # FeatureContext::usingOcsApiVersion()
    And user "Alice" has added "https://aphno.badal" to the list of personal CORS domains          # CorsContext::addDomainToPrivateCORSLists()
    When user "Alice" sends HTTP method "GET" to OCS API endpoint "<endpoint>" with headers        # OCSContext::userSendsToOcsApiEndpointWithHeaders()
      | header | value               |
      | Origin | https://aphno.badal |
    Then the OCS status code should be "<ocs-code>"                                                # OCSContext::theOCSStatusCodeShouldBe()
    And the HTTP status code should be "<http-code>"                                               # FeatureContext::thenTheHTTPStatusCodeShouldBe()
    And the following headers should be set                                                        # FeatureContext::theFollowingHeadersShouldBeSet()
      | header                        | value                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     |
      | Access-Control-Allow-Headers  | OC-Checksum,OC-Total-Length,OCS-APIREQUEST,X-OC-Mtime,OC-RequestAppPassword,Accept,Authorization,Brief,Content-Length,Content-Range,Content-Type,Date,Depth,Destination,Host,If,If-Match,If-Modified-Since,If-None-Match,If-Range,If-Unmodified-Since,Location,Lock-Token,Overwrite,Prefer,Range,Schedule-Reply,Timeout,User-Agent,X-Expected-Entity-Length,Accept-Language,Access-Control-Request-Method,Access-Control-Allow-Origin,Cache-Control,ETag,OC-Autorename,OC-CalDav-Import,OC-Chunked,OC-Etag,OC-FileId,OC-LazyOps,OC-Total-File-Length,Origin,X-Request-ID,X-Requested-With |
      | Access-Control-Expose-Headers | Content-Location,DAV,ETag,Link,Lock-Token,OC-ETag,OC-Checksum,OC-FileId,OC-JobStatus-Location,OC-RequestAppPassword,Vary,Webdav-Location,X-Sabre-Status                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   |
      | Access-Control-Allow-Origin   | https://aphno.badal                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       |
      | Access-Control-Allow-Methods  | GET,OPTIONS,POST,PUT,DELETE,MKCOL,PROPFIND,PATCH,PROPPATCH,REPORT                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         |

      | ocs_api_version | endpoint | ocs-code | http-code |
      | 1               | /config  | 100      | 200       |
        CorsContext::addDomainToPrivateCORSLists The output of 'occ user:setting Alice core domains' was not valid JSON
        Failed asserting that null is of type "array".
      │  WARNING: reva data root folder (/var/tmp/ocis/owncloud/) does not exist
      └─ @AfterScenario # FeatureContext::afterScenario()

--- Failed scenarios:


SwikritiT avatar May 27 '22 06:05 SwikritiT