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[a11y] 2.1.1 Usable without mouse
BIT inklusiv BITV-Softwaretest - BIT inklusiv (
[ ] The link with the URL is not accessible with the keyboard
[x] The button with the three dots, which opens a menu, can neither be focused nor activated with the neither focused nor activated with the keyboard.
Synchronization protocol
- [ ] The table offers the option of sorting the contents by activating the
column headings are activated. However, this function is only available to
available to mouse users. It is not possible to use the keyboard to
focus and activate the column headings. Instead, you can only access
the individual data cells, which makes no sense.
Add Space
[ ] The table offers the option of sorting the contents. Sorting is triggered triggered by activating the column headings. However, this this function is only available to mouse users. It is not possible to use the keyboard not possible to focus on and activate the column headers, although this is possible for the individual data cells. This does not result in a meaningful context.
[ ] In the test, it was not possible to activate the radio buttons in the "Synchronize" column using the keyboard. When activating with the ENTER key, you unexpectedly landed on the "Select a local folder" page. local folder". This is because the "Next" button was also active. A similar problem also affects other elements in the table.