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[a11y] 1.1.1 Non-text content
BIT inklusiv BITV-Softwaretest - BIT inklusiv (
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[x] The image with the logo should contain an alternative text to ensure ensure barrier-free accessibility.
[x] #11635 ensures that NVDA or other screen readers do not display the arrows as "Size/Smaller than" or similar text output.
- [ ] Images that convey the visual status of the space are not recognized by screen readers
and are not displayed. If the Space is not available, an error message
an error message is normally displayed. However, this error message
was not displayed in the test either.
Server activity
- [ ] It appears that the image shown in the screenshot is a decorative element,
but it is recognized by screen readers as an image without alternative text.
Add Space
- [ ] The images in the table column "Image" are not provided with alternative texts.