android icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
android copied to clipboard


Open jesmrec opened this issue 2 years ago • 0 comments

Synchronization engine with new architecture


  • [ ] [GIT] Create branch release/Y.Y.Y in owncloud/android-library from master
  • [ ] [GIT] Create branch release/X.X.X in owncloud/android from master
  • [ ] [DEV] Update version number and name in build.gradle in owncloudApp module
  • [ ] [DIS] Create a folder for the new version like $majorVersion.$minorVersion.$patchVersion_YYYY-MM-DD
  • [ ] [DIS] Move all changelog files from the unreleased folder to the new version folder
  • [ ] [DIS] Update screenshots, if needed, in
  • [ ] [DIS] Add ReleaseNotes replacing emptyList with listOf and adding inside ReleaseNote() with String resources
  • [ ] [QA] Design Test plan
  • [ ] [QA] Regression Test plan
  • [ ] [DIS] Generate test bundle from release/X.X.X branch in owncloud/android
  • [ ] [GIT] Create and sign tag 'oc-android-X.X.X' in HEAD commit of release branch, in owncloud/android
  • [ ] [GIT] Create and sign tag 'Y.Y.Y' in HEAD commit of release branch, in owncloud/android-library
  • [ ] [DIS] Generate final bundle from signed commit in owncloud/android
  • [ ] [GIT] Merge branch release/Y.Y.Y in owncloud/android-library, into master
  • [ ] [GIT] Merge branch release/X.X.X in owncloud/android, into master
  • [ ] [DIS] Upload & publish release bundle and changelog in Play Store
  • [ ] [DIS] Update screenshots and store listing, if needed, in Play Store
  • [ ] [GIT] Publish a new release in owncloud/android
  • [ ] [DIS] Create post in (Category:Android + Tag:news)
  • [ ] [COM] Inform #updates and #marketing in internal chat
  • [ ] [DIS] Upload release APK and bundle to internal owncloud instance
  • [ ] [GIT] Merge master branch into stable, in owncloud/android-library
  • [ ] [GIT] Merge master branch into stable, in owncloud/android
  • [ ] [DOC] Update documentation with new stuff (notify rocketchat #documentation-internal in advance!)


jesmrec avatar Aug 05 '22 07:08 jesmrec