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Links in non-root are not refreshed in Share by Link view

Open jesmrec opened this issue 3 years ago • 0 comments

This one comes form

If any link of an item in non-root is removed from the Share by Link view, such view is not refreshed and the removed link stays there.

The reason is that the view is a filter from file list and needs to be refreshed to show the updated information. The problem can be fixed when the database migration is merged into master


  • [ ] Research (if needed)
  • [ ] Create branch feature/feature_name
  • [ ] Development tasks
    • [ ] Implement whatever
    • [ ] ...
  • [ ] Code review and apply changes requested
  • [ ] Design test plan
  • [ ] QA
  • [ ] Merge branch feature/feature_name into master


  • App
  • Library (if needed)

jesmrec avatar Nov 10 '20 11:11 jesmrec