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Owl - OCaml Scientific Computing @ https://ocaml.xyz

Results 90 owl issues
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I'm not sure if this was a design decision or a bug, but when you run the `sum` function with no `axis` argument, and `keep_dims:true`, the results are not what...

Some functions that check dimensions of the input argument raise a NOT_MATRIX exception, others raise Failure or Assert_failure. This commit changes them to all use the same dimension checking logic...

Resubmitting as requested to try this PR on mac use ``` opam pin -n git+https://github.com/mseri/owl.git#arm64 --with-version=1.1.0 PKG_CONFIG_PATH="/opt/homebrew/opt/openblas/lib/pkgconfig" opam install owl.1.1.0 ```


I have sort of a design question... Many modules have aliases for convenience, e.g., `Owl.Dense.Matrix` is an alias for `Owl_dense_matrix`. Whereas others do not, e.g., `Owl_stats_prng` is not available as...

This is a tiny fix for the example for the `Owl_dense_matrix_generic.linspace` mli file documentation. The example shows: ``` [linspace 0. 5. 5] will create a row vector [[0;1;2;3;4;5]] ``` However,...

This is related to https://github.com/owlbarn/owl/issues/21. The infix operators seem to break with what you would expect normal math operator precedence to have. I'm just wondering if this is the intended...

Installation instructions here: https://ocaml.xyz/tutorial/introduction.html These lines: ``` pip install jupyter opam install jupyter jupyter kernelspec install --name ocaml-jupyter "$(opam config var share)/jupyter" ``` the opam jupyter install wont create the...


It needs to link against `-llapacke` which is provided separately. All versions before 1.0.2 link fine, this spurious commit https://github.com/owlbarn/owl/commit/dc77f1d3b7a4b81beba5bcfc4366317e044bce6d broke 1.0.2 on a number of systems. The fix in...


Seen here: https://github.com/ocaml/opam-repository/pull/17729 (logs at https://opam.ci.ocaml.org/github/ocaml/opam-repository/commit/24f3497a6cf0fba1c5a30ea40ae3c0f8272b72af) ~~At least on ARM64 I am sure owl used to work fine as I did also compile it on a raspberry pi (I think...

