
Results 25 comments of owl770

Hi @andreaz70 - I had the same problem with that image. I'm not 100% sure but believe it is an issue with the image rather than berryboot. As @dobber81 says,...

Hi @andreaz70 and @HinTak - This is a little off topic but...given that mmcblk0p1 is a vfat filesystem, the label is probably in uppercase (ie. BOOT rather than boot). It...

> Hello HinTak and owl770. > > Okay, i modified the image (copied over, modified, build a new one and copied back), that you can download via berryboot (the buster...

Berryboot labels the partition `boot` when it does the `/sbin/mkfs.fat -n boot /dev/????????`

> Hi @maxnet and @HinTak - I have done a fair bit of debugging on the timing issue with iSCSI devices and provide the following code upgrades for your review,...

Hi @tmesposito, @gaetangaetan and @bartoll - the reason there is no `Other` tab is because berryboot's default repo gets its list of images from the file `http://dl.berryboot.com/distro.zsmime` and this file...

@maxnet - I was investigating this problem because it happened to me too. To get more information, in `installer.cpp::umountSystemPartition()` I changed: ``` if ( QProcess::execute("umount /boot") != 0) { log_error(tr("Error...

> @owl770 How can I get your 'patched' version ? > I've got the same error (sometime I get another error after that one, or none...) > > But anyway,...

@GroovinBuddha - berryboot supports installing from a CIFS share (or do you require true smb support)? [https://www.berryterminal.com/doku.php/berryboot/local_repository_on_network_share](url) Currently berryboot only support nfs and cifs for network installs.

I believe the problem with the OS not being able to find /dev/disk/by-label/boot is an issue with the image rather than Berryboot itself. You could try the suggestion in #684...