Oscar Wahltinez
Oscar Wahltinez
@demetrios1 sorry for the late reply. This sounds like a great suggestion! Admittedly I'm not an expert in R. If you are open to it, we'd absolute accept a pull...
@a27cheung will be looking into this as part of a big documentation update coming soon :-)
Thanks for the suggestion! This is something we are actively looking into. A couple of notes: > Would be good to have a staging bucket and copy files from there...
Good point, let me clarify. When I say "all or nothing" I mean that we would not want to selectively filter outputs at the final stage, either we copy them...
> @owahltinez not sure whether you have thoughts on this matter? I don't have a very strong preference here. I recall going back and forth about this and eventually settling...
> In my view it comes at the cost of causing user confusion and making the data not quite meaningful to general public (as far as UK is concerned). The...
Hi @jzamalloa1 we are actively working on this (and vaccination deployment data!). I'll keep the issue open until we have more news.
Hi @tloureiro, thanks for reporting this! Unfortunately, it looks like we're running into some technical limitations when producing the `main.csv` file due to the ever increasing nature of the data....
@pranalipy can you take a look?
Thanks for the suggestion. This is certainly feasible, and we already try to source as many of these variables as we can for subnational locations — mainly using Wikidata.org as...