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Serialize and reproduce the state of an entire tree of React components.


This package has been merged into the React Cosmos monorepo.

React Component Tree Build Status Coverage Status

Serialize and reproduce the state of an entire tree of React components.

A few examples where this can be useful:

  • Using fixtures to load and test components in multiple supported states
  • Extracting the app state when an error occurs in the page and reproducing that exact state later on when debugging
  • "Pausing" the app state and resuming it later (nice for games)

React compatibility:


Generate a snapshot with the props and state of a component combined, including the state of all nested child components.

var ComponentTree = require('react-component-tree');

myCompany.setProps({public: true});
myCompany.setState({profitable: true});
myCompany.refs.employee54.setState({bored: false});

var snapshot = ComponentTree.serialize(myCompany);

The snapshot looks like this:

  public: true,
  state: {
    profitable: true,
    children: {
      employee54: {
        bored: false


Render a component and reproduce a state snapshot by recursively injecting the nested state into the component tree it generates.

var myOtherCompany = ComponentTree.render({
  component: CompanyClass,
  snapshot: snapshot,
  container: document.getElementById('content')

console.log(myOtherCompany.props.public); // returns true
console.log(myOtherCompany.state.profitable); // returns true
console.log(myOtherCompany.refs.employee54.state.bored); // returns false