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Support SWAP config

Open ZuSe opened this issue 2 years ago • 3 comments

Since Kubernetes 1.22 it is possible to use swap space. Mainly to increase system stability.

I would love to see support for it on OVH.

ZuSe avatar Jul 27 '22 11:07 ZuSe

Hello @ZuSe

Unfortunately, we don't manage 'alpha' features. Since K8S 1.23, this feature is in v1beta so we can have a look but definitively not for K8S 1.22.

jMonsinjon avatar Aug 31 '22 16:08 jMonsinjon

Hi @jMonsinjon as 1.24 is out, we don't have any problem to upgrade. Please keep me updated :)

ZuSe avatar Sep 01 '22 10:09 ZuSe

@ZuSe I confirm we understand your need and we will make sure we support in in current and future versions. For this we need to evaluate potential impacts and improvments needed. I cannot yet give you an ETA

mhurtrel avatar Sep 06 '22 14:09 mhurtrel

Hello, Unfortunately we will not work on this feature until it's compatible with cgroupsv2.

jMonsinjon avatar Oct 11 '22 08:10 jMonsinjon