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fix(dedicated): cannot delete BYOIP
Question | Answer |
Branch? | release/sprint-2236-2238 |
Bug fix? | yes |
New feature? | no |
Breaking change? | no |
Tickets | Fix #MANAGER-9449 |
License | BSD 3-Clause |
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- [x] Branch is up-to-date with target branch
- [x] Lint has passed locally
- [x] Standalone app was ran and tested locally
- [x] Ticket reference is mentioned in linked commits (internal only)
- ~~[ ] Breaking change is mentioned in relevant commits~~
Cannot delete byoip from IP page, so moved the delete functionality for BYOIP to service page and removed delete option from IP page.
Kudos, SonarCloud Quality Gate passed!
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0.0% Duplication
CDS Report test-checkout-marie#4.10 ✘
- New Job ✘
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