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feat( datatr-30 - add new services integrations
Signed-off-by: Jonathan Perchoc [email protected]
Question | Answer |
Branch? | develop |
Bug fix? | no |
New feature? | yes |
Breaking change? | no |
Tickets | Fix #DATATR-30 |
License | BSD 3-Clause |
- [x] Try to keep pull requests small so they can be easily reviewed.
- [x] Commits are signed-off
- [x] Only FR translations have been updated
- [x] Branch is up-to-date with target branch
- [x] Lint has passed locally
- [ ] Standalone app was ran and tested locally
- [x] Ticket reference is mentioned in linked commits (internal only)
- [ ] Breaking change is mentioned in relevant commits
Add new integrations type between db engines
:flags: Translations
- [ ] TRANS-46084
Kudos, SonarCloud Quality Gate passed!
0 Bugs
0 Vulnerabilities
0 Security Hotspots
2 Code Smells
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0.0% Duplication
Hi @y4nnL , I had to force-push to solve conflicts. Code has not changed, could you re-approve it please ? Thank you :smiley:
Rebased branch to develop in order to pass the new CDS pipeline
This PR is blocked because of this merged PR.
This merged PR contains ternary operator inside translation file which is not allowed.
Pulling translation.
Kudos, SonarCloud Quality Gate passed!
0 Bugs
0 Vulnerabilities
0 Security Hotspots
1 Code Smell
No Coverage information
0.0% Duplication