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OS installation wizard diskgroup - bundle
Question | Answer |
Branch? | develop |
Bug fix? | yes |
New feature? | no |
Breaking change? | no |
License | BSD 3-Clause |
- [x] Try to keep pull requests small so they can be easily reviewed.
- [x] Commits are signed-off
- [x] Only FR translations have been updated
- [x] Branch is up-to-date with target branch
- [x] Lint has passed locally
- [x] Standalone app was ran and tested locally
- [x] Ticket reference is mentioned in linked commits (internal only)
Diskgroups issues in OS installation OVH & gabarit wizard:
- wrong default disk group in the os installation wizard
- make non-default diskgroup with hw raid customizable
- remove os hardraidconfiguration flag dependency and add diskgroup dropdown to personal template wizard
- remove back button to remove bugs and code complexity
ref: MANAGER-14296 = MANAGER-11087 + MANAGER-12426 + MANAGER-12424 + MANAGER-14297