http icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
http copied to clipboard

:cactus: A simple http client wrapper.

Results 4 http issues
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Updates the requirements on [overtrue/phplint]( to permit the latest version. Release notes Sourced from overtrue/phplint's releases. 4.1.0 What's Changed Add support Symfony 6 by @​Myks92 in overtrue/phplint#118 New Contributors @​Myks92...


Updates the requirements on [overtrue/phplint]( to permit the latest version. Release notes Sourced from overtrue/phplint's releases. 9.0.2 - 2023-02-13 Fixed #176 : Enhance Cache support for Windows platform (thanks @​Knallcharge...


版本:1.2.3 文件:src/Support/Collection.php PHP版本:8.1 问题描述: 一个形如: ``` $config = new Collection([ 'a' => 'a0', 'b' => [ 'b1' => 'b10' ] ]); var_dump($config->get('b.b1')); //result is "null" ``` 原因: ``` /** *...