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Cannot access http://localhost/launchpad after bin/start

Open zhangJianfeng opened this issue 3 years ago • 7 comments

Steps to Reproduce

I followed the Quick-Start Guide to build overleaf in my linux server. However, after all steps, I still cannot access http://localhost/launchpad and I did not get any error messages.

  1. Clone repo using git clone ./overleaf .
  2. Run sudo bin/init to create configuration files.
  3. Replace NGINX_HTTP_LISTEN_IP/NGINX_TLS_LISTEN_IP with the external IP address of my host in config/overleaf.rc .
  4. Run sudo bin/up to start the docker services.

Expected Behaviour

What I expected is I can access http://localhost/launchpad, however I just got a ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED error in browser.

Observed Behaviour

  • sudo bin/error-logs displayed nothing.
  • I ran sudo bin/doctor and seems everything went well:
====== Overleaf Doctor ======
- Host Information
    - Linux
    - Output of 'lsb_release -a':
            No LSB modules are available.
            Distributor ID:     Ubuntu
            Description:        Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS
            Release:    18.04
            Codename:   bionic
- Dependencies
    - bash
        - status: present
        - version info: 4.4.20(1)-release
    - docker
        - status: present
        - version info: Docker version 20.10.7, build 20.10.7-0ubuntu5~18.04.3
    - docker-compose
        - status: present
        - version info: docker-compose version 1.17.1, build unknown
    - realpath
        - status: present
        - version info: realpath (GNU coreutils) 8.28
    - perl
        - status: present
        - version info: 5.026001
    - awk
        - status: present
        - version info: GNU Awk 4.1.4, API: 1.1 (GNU MPFR 4.0.1, GNU MP 6.1.2)
    - openssl
        - status: present
        - version info: OpenSSL 1.1.1  11 Sep 2018
- Docker Daemon
    - status: up
====== Configuration ======
- config/version
    - status: present
    - version: 3.0.1
- config/overleaf.rc
    - status: present
    - values
        - SHARELATEX_DATA_PATH: data/sharelatex
        - SERVER_PRO: false
        - SHARELATEX_PORT: 80
        - MONGO_ENABLED: true
        - MONGO_DATA_PATH: data/mongo
        - REDIS_ENABLED: true
        - REDIS_DATA_PATH: data/redis
        - NGINX_ENABLED: false
        - NGINX_CONFIG_PATH: config/nginx/nginx.conf
        - TLS_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH: config/nginx/certs/overleaf_key.pem
        - TLS_CERTIFICATE_PATH: config/nginx/certs/overleaf_certificate.pem
        - NGINX_HTTP_LISTEN_IP: localhost
        - NGINX_HTTP_PORT: 80
        - NGINX_TLS_LISTEN_IP: localhost
        - TLS_PORT: 443
- config/variables.env
    - status: present
====== Warnings ======
- None, all good
====== End ======

And containers seems working well:

CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                         COMMAND                  CREATED          STATUS                    PORTS                  NAMES
6a9fd1c2107d   sharelatex/sharelatex:3.0.1   "/sbin/my_init"          46 minutes ago   Up 41 minutes   >80/tcp   sharelatex
4dc7aa600bd1   mongo:4.0                     "docker-entrypoint.s…"   2 hours ago      Up 42 minutes (healthy)   27017/tcp              mongo
8a1b5a4fd880   redis:5.0                     "docker-entrypoint.s…"   2 hours ago      Up 42 minutes             6379/tcp               redis


When I ran sudo bin/up, there are some logs like:

mongo         | 2021-11-20T15:13:07.712+0000 I NETWORK  [conn44] end connection (10 connections now open)
mongo         | 2021-11-20T15:13:17.816+0000 I NETWORK  [listener] connection accepted from #45 (11 connections now open)
mongo         | 2021-11-20T15:13:17.817+0000 I NETWORK  [conn45] received client metadata from conn45: { application: { name: "MongoDB Shell" }, driver: { name: "MongoDB Internal Client", version: "4.0.27" }, os: { type: "Linux", name: "Ubuntu", architecture: "x86_64", version: "16.04" } }
mongo         | 2021-11-20T15:13:17.820+0000 I NETWORK  [conn45] end connection (10 connections now open)

Technical Info


zhangJianfeng avatar Nov 20 '21 15:11 zhangJianfeng

Is the appropriate port (apparently 80) open the host's firewall?

michaelvanhorn avatar Dec 08 '21 16:12 michaelvanhorn

Finally I solved it by following another instruction. No idea if it is port 80 problem. What I did were:

  1. pull the latest sharelatex image: docker pull sharelatex/sharelatex;
  2. download docker-compose.yml file and modify paths to achieve the data: curl -O
  3. finally run: docker-compose up -d and it works well.

zhangJianfeng avatar Dec 24 '21 13:12 zhangJianfeng

Hello, can you tell what you changed in the docker-compose.yml? I have the same issue and your solution also does not work without changing anything in the docker-compose.yml :(

ghost avatar Aug 09 '22 11:08 ghost

I'm still encountering the same error in 2023, despite meticulously following the guide. I've tried it on Windows 10 with WSL, using the latest version of Docker, as well as on Ubuntu Desktop and Ubuntu Server LTS 22.04. I attempted various folder setups, tried running it as both root and non-root users, but the problem persists consistently across all cases. When I execute 'bin/up', the MongoDB container enter to an endless restart loop, rendering it non-functional. In an effort to troubleshoot, I even created a separate Mongo container using Docker and granted it 'chmod 777' permissions, but running 'bin/up' resulted in the creation of yet another Mongo container with the same problematic behavior. I also attempted to perform all the steps as root, but the error persisted. The specific error message I encountered is:

"2023-07-22 01:55:45 {"t":{"$date":"2023-07-22T04:55:45.838+00:00"},"s":"I", "c":"CONTROL", "id":23285, "ctx":"main","msg":"Automatically disabling TLS 1.0, to force-enable TLS 1.0 specify --sslDisabledProtocols 'none'"} 2023-07-22 01:55:45 {"t":{"$date":"2023-07-22T04:55:45.839+00:00"},"s":"I", "c":"NETWORK", "id":4648601, "ctx":"main","msg":"Implicit TCP FastOpen unavailable. If TCP FastOpen is required, set tcpFastOpenServer, tcpFastOpenClient, and tcpFastOpenQueueSize."} 2023-07-22 01:55:45 {"t":{"$date":"2023-07-22T04:55:45.840+00:00"},"s":"I", "c":"STORAGE", "id":4615611, "ctx":"initandlisten","msg":"MongoDB starting","attr":{"pid":1,"port":27017,"dbPath":"/data/db","architecture":"64-bit","host":"1b3b3e817087"}} 2023-07-22 01:55:45 {"t":{"$date":"2023-07-22T04:55:45.840+00:00"},"s":"I", "c":"CONTROL", "id":23403, "ctx":"initandlisten","msg":"Build Info","attr":{"buildInfo":{"version":"4.4.23","gitVersion":"36c047f935fd86b2d5ac4c4f5189e52daa044966","openSSLVersion":"OpenSSL 1.1.1f 31 Mar 2020","modules":[],"allocator":"tcmalloc","environment":{"distmod":"ubuntu2004","distarch":"x86_64","target_arch":"x86_64"}}}} 2023-07-22 01:55:45 {"t":{"$date":"2023-07-22T04:55:45.840+00:00"},"s":"I", "c":"CONTROL", "id":51765, "ctx":"initandlisten","msg":"Operating System","attr":{"os":{"name":"Ubuntu","version":"20.04"}}} 2023-07-22 01:55:45 {"t":{"$date":"2023-07-22T04:55:45.840+00:00"},"s":"I", "c":"CONTROL", "id":21951, "ctx":"initandlisten","msg":"Options set by command line","attr":{"options":{"net":{"bindIp":""},"replication":{"replSet":"overleaf"}}}} 2023-07-22 01:55:45 {"t":{"$date":"2023-07-22T04:55:45.844+00:00"},"s":"I", "c":"STORAGE", "id":22315, "ctx":"initandlisten","msg":"Opening WiredTiger","attr":{"config":"create,cache_size=7477M,session_max=33000,eviction=(threads_min=4,threads_max=4),config_base=false,statistics=(fast),log=(enabled=true,archive=true,path=journal,compressor=snappy),file_manager=(close_idle_time=100000,close_scan_interval=10,close_handle_minimum=250),statistics_log=(wait=0),verbose=[recovery_progress,checkpoint_progress,compact_progress],"}} 2023-07-22 01:55:46 {"t":{"$date":"2023-07-22T04:55:46.223+00:00"},"s":"E", "c":"STORAGE", "id":22435, "ctx":"initandlisten","msg":"WiredTiger error","attr":{"error":17,"message":"[1690001746:223016][1:0x7fa761688cc0], connection: __posix_open_file, 815: /data/db/WiredTiger.wt: handle-open: open: File exists"}} 2023-07-22 01:55:46 {"t":{"$date":"2023-07-22T04:55:46.239+00:00"},"s":"I", "c":"STORAGE", "id":22430, "ctx":"initandlisten","msg":"WiredTiger message","attr":{"message":"unexpected file WiredTiger.wt found, renamed to WiredTiger.wt.30"}} 2023-07-22 01:55:46 {"t":{"$date":"2023-07-22T04:55:46.241+00:00"},"s":"E", "c":"STORAGE", "id":22435, "ctx":"initandlisten","msg":"WiredTiger error","attr":{"error":1,"message":"[1690001746:241128][1:0x7fa761688cc0], connection: __posix_open_file, 815: /data/db/WiredTiger.wt: handle-open: open: Operation not permitted"}} 2023-07-22 01:55:46 {"t":{"$date":"2023-07-22T04:55:46.253+00:00"},"s":"E", "c":"STORAGE", "id":22435, "ctx":"initandlisten","msg":"WiredTiger error","attr":{"error":17,"message":"[1690001746:253395][1:0x7fa761688cc0], connection: __posix_open_file, 815: /data/db/WiredTiger.wt: handle-open: open: File exists"}} 2023-07-22 01:55:46 {"t":{"$date":"2023-07-22T04:55:46.270+00:00"},"s":"I", "c":"STORAGE", "id":22430, "ctx":"initandlisten","msg":"WiredTiger message","attr":{"message":"unexpected file WiredTiger.wt found, renamed to WiredTiger.wt.31"}} 2023-07-22 01:55:46 {"t":{"$date":"2023-07-22T04:55:46.271+00:00"},"s":"E", "c":"STORAGE", "id":22435, "ctx":"initandlisten","msg":"WiredTiger error","attr":{"error":1,"message":"[1690001746:271722][1:0x7fa761688cc0], connection: __posix_open_file, 815: /data/db/WiredTiger.wt: handle-open: open: Operation not permitted"}} 2023-07-22 01:55:46 {"t":{"$date":"2023-07-22T04:55:46.284+00:00"},"s":"E", "c":"STORAGE", "id":22435, "ctx":"initandlisten","msg":"WiredTiger error","attr":{"error":17,"message":"[1690001746:284051][1:0x7fa761688cc0], connection: __posix_open_file, 815: /data/db/WiredTiger.wt: handle-open: open: File exists"}} 2023-07-22 01:55:46 {"t":{"$date":"2023-07-22T04:55:46.301+00:00"},"s":"I", "c":"STORAGE", "id":22430, "ctx":"initandlisten","msg":"WiredTiger message","attr":{"message":"unexpected file WiredTiger.wt found, renamed to WiredTiger.wt.32"}} 2023-07-22 01:55:46 {"t":{"$date":"2023-07-22T04:55:46.302+00:00"},"s":"E", "c":"STORAGE", "id":22435, "ctx":"initandlisten","msg":"WiredTiger error","attr":{"error":1,"message":"[1690001746:302849][1:0x7fa761688cc0], connection: __posix_open_file, 815: /data/db/WiredTiger.wt: handle-open: open: Operation not permitted"}} 2023-07-22 01:55:46 {"t":{"$date":"2023-07-22T04:55:46.304+00:00"},"s":"W", "c":"STORAGE", "id":22347, "ctx":"initandlisten","msg":"Failed to start up WiredTiger under any compatibility version. This may be due to an unsupported upgrade or downgrade."} 2023-07-22 01:55:46 {"t":{"$date":"2023-07-22T04:55:46.304+00:00"},"s":"F", "c":"STORAGE", "id":28595, "ctx":"initandlisten","msg":"Terminating.","attr":{"reason":"1: Operation not permitted"}} 2023-07-22 01:55:46 {"t":{"$date":"2023-07-22T04:55:46.304+00:00"},"s":"F", "c":"-", "id":23091, "ctx":"initandlisten","msg":"Fatal assertion","attr":{"msgid":28595,"file":"src/mongo/db/storage/wiredtiger/wiredtiger_kv_engine.cpp","line":958}} 2023-07-22 01:55:46 {"t":{"$date":"2023-07-22T04:55:46.304+00:00"},"s":"F", "c":"-", "id":23092, "ctx":"initandlisten","msg":"\n\n**aborting after fassert() failure\n\n"}"


jonidimo avatar Jul 22 '23 04:07 jonidimo

not sure if this is your problem - but when setting this up on a server, it worked for me to change the IP in overleaf.rc to


dschetel avatar Jan 31 '24 18:01 dschetel

./bin/up works for me with the official image sharelatex/sharelatex. But when I build the overleaf by myself (cd server-ce && make build-community), and run ./bin/up. I got the same error --- ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED. By the way, both SHARELATEX_LISTEN_IP= and SHARELATEX_LISTEN_IP= not work

vectorsss avatar Apr 23 '24 12:04 vectorsss

./bin/up works for me with the official image sharelatex/sharelatex. But when I build the overleaf by myself (cd server-ce && make build-community), and run ./bin/up. I got the same error --- ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED. By the way, both SHARELATEX_LISTEN_IP= and SHARELATEX_LISTEN_IP= not work

Have you solved it?

tinsir888 avatar May 28 '24 22:05 tinsir888