bun copied to clipboard
node:http.ServerResponse.assignSocket is not implemented
What version of Bun is running?
What platform is your computer?
Darwin 22.4.0 arm64 arm
What steps can reproduce the bug?
node:http.ServerResponse.assignSocket is not implemented.
I was trying to write adapter for Fastify for native Bun http server. I was trying to implement it with fastify.inject() like this:
import {fastify} from "fastify";
const fastifyServer = fastify();
fastifyServer.get("/", async (request, reply) => {
return {
hello: "world",
await fastifyServer.ready();
port: 3000,
async fetch(request) {
let response = await fastifyServer.inject({
method: request.method,
url: request.url,
payload: request.body,
headers: request.headers,
return new Response(response.body, {
headers: response.headers,
status: response.statusCode,
statusText: response.statusMessage,
So the problem is that fastify.inject() uses http.ServerResponse.assignSocket and bunch of other unimplemented Node.js http server stuff. I think it would be nice to have the ability to implement adapter like this, as possibly we can get ability to use Fastify with native Bun's http server
What is the expected behavior?
node:http.ServerResponse.assignSocket should be implemented
What do you see instead?
No response
Additional information
No response
Newest issue: #6667
622 | }
623 | var OriginalWriteHeadFn, OriginalImplicitHeadFn;
624 |
625 | class ServerResponse extends Writable {
626 |
627 | constructor(c) {
TypeError: Cannot call a class constructor without |new|
at ServerResponse (node:http:627:26)
at new Response (example/node_modules/light-my-request/lib/response.js:10:2)