bun copied to clipboard
shadcn-svelte install fails on Windows 11
How can we reproduce the crash?
On Windows 11 in Powershell, run (as per https://www.shadcn-svelte.com/docs/installation/sveltekit):
bunx shadcn-svelte@latest init
Relevant log output
shadcn-svelte v0.10.7
▲ You are currently using an unsupported runtime. Only Node.js v18 or higher is officially supported. Continue at your own risk.
◇ Would you like to use TypeScript? (recommended)
│ Yes
◇ Which style would you like to use?
│ Default
◇ Which base color would you like to use?
│ Slate
◇ Where is your global CSS file? (this file will be overwritten)
│ src\app.css
◇ Where is your Tailwind config located? (this file will be overwritten)
│ tailwind.config.js
◇ Configure the import alias for components:
│ $lib/components
◇ Configure the import alias for utils:
│ $lib/utils
Bun v1.1.17 (bb66bba1) Windows x64
Args: "bun" "C:\Users\antho\AppData\Local\Temp\bunx-342976213-shadcn-svelte@latest\node_modules\shadcn-svelte\dist\index.js" "init"
Features: jsc Bun.stdin(2) Bun.stdout fetch spawn tsconfig_paths tsconfig(2)
Builtins: "bun:main" "node:assert" "node:async_hooks" "node:buffer" "node:child_process" "node:console" "node:crypto" "node:events" "node:fs" "node:http" "node:https" "node:module" "node:net" "node:os" "node:path" "node:perf_hooks" "node:process" "node:querystring" "node:readline" "node:stream" "node:string_decoder" "node:tls" "node:tty" "node:url" "node:util" "node:util/types" "node:zlib" "node:worker_threads" "node:http2" "node:diagnostics_channel"
Elapsed: 60621ms | User: 31ms | Sys: 15ms
RSS: 0.22GB | Peak: 0.28GB | Commit: 4.59GB | Faults: 89183
panic(main thread): Segmentation fault at address 0x5
oh no: Bun has crashed. This indicates a bug in Bun, not your code.
Stack Trace (bun.report)
Bun v1.1.17 (bb66bba
) on windows x86_64 [AutoCommand]
Segmentation fault at address 0x00000005
- 5 unknown/js code
- 4 unknown/js code