bun copied to clipboard
[bun install] SegmentationFault with 443, 502, 404 error code
Darwin macangeloannunziata.local 21.6.0 Darwin Kernel Version 21.6.0: Wed Aug 10 14:25:27 PDT 2022; root:xnu-8020.141.5~2/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64
What steps will reproduce the bug?
dev tool (with./apps/**
folders for packages) -
package manager (package.json in root folder./
) -> see package.txt - Private npm registry (Nexus) behind vpn
- Create config file only to add my registry URL (see
below) - run
bun install
- SegmentationFault at
# Using scoped packages with bun install
# Scope name The value can be a URL string or an object
"@mycompany" = { url = "https://packages.tools.mycompany.xyz/repository/npm-all/" }
registry = "https://packages.tools.mycompany.xyz/repository/npm-all/"
# Install for production? This is the equivalent to the "--production" CLI argument
production = false
# Don't actually install
dryRun = true
# Install optionalDependencies (default: true)
optional = true
# Install local devDependencies (default: true)
dev = true
# Install peerDependencies (default: false)
peer = false
# When using `bun install -g`, install packages here
globalDir = "~/.bun/install/global"
# When using `bun install -g`, link package bins here
globalBinDir = "~/.bun/bin"
# cache-related configuration
# The directory to use for the cache
dir = "~/.bun/install/cache"
# Don't load from the global cache.
# Note: bun may still write to node_modules/.cache
disable = false
# Always resolve the latest versions from the registry
disableManifest = false
# Lockfile-related configuration
# Print a yarn v1 lockfile
# Note: it does not load the lockfile, it just converts bun.lockb into a yarn.lock
print = "yarn"
# Path to read bun.lockb from
path = "bun.lockb"
# Path to save bun.lockb to
savePath = "bun.lockb"
# Save the lockfile to disk
save = true
How often does it reproduce? Is there a required condition?
What is the expected behavior?
Bun install dependencies correctly
What do you see instead?
END OUTPUT: SegmentationFault at 0x0F5F9D6DFEFBFFFF
----- bun meta ----- Bun v0.1.10 (fe7180bc) macOS x64 21.6.0 InstallCommand: bunfig HTTP: 1943 Elapsed: 43494ms | User: 2505ms | Sys: 3232ms RSS: 0.60GB | Peak: 0.60GB | Commit: 1.02GB | Faults: 975 ----- bun meta -----
Ask for #help in https://bun.sh/discord or go to https://bun.sh/issues
Additional information
No response
Thank you for this report
Can you verify this still happens as of Bun v0.2.0? It likely was fixed in Bun v0.1.12
Can you verify this still happens as of Bun v0.2.0? It likely was fixed in Bun v0.1.12
Hi @Jarred-Sumner!
I just tested the latest release with the following result
- a lot of 502 errors
- no package binaries installed (i have to install the package one to one with
bun install $packageName
to be able to exec the bins) - executing bun install more times give me different results
- some packages not found
We've made pretty significant changes/improvement to bun install
. If you have a moment, do you mind trying again on Bun 0.5.8, after running bun upgrade
We've made pretty significant changes/improvement to
bun install
. If you have a moment, do you mind trying again on Bun 0.5.8, after runningbun upgrade
Now I have a new mac M2 arm based.
I tried bun install
on my new hardware but I got a lot of the following errors:
error: Unterminated string literal
error: PackageFailedToParse parsing package manifest for <package-name>
@ild0tt0re can you paste the package.json of the main project where this is happening (or a simplified version)? It sounds like a JSON parsing bug
@ild0tt0re can you paste the package.json of the main project where this is happening (or a simplified version)? It sounds like a JSON parsing bug
My package.json
"name": "npm.scope",
"version": "0.0.0",
"license": "MIT",
"scripts": {},
"private": true,
"dependencies": {
"@algolia/client-search": "4.14.3",
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"@datadog/browser-rum": "^4.28.1",
"@dnd-kit/core": "^5.0.3",
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"optionalDependencies": {
"@commitlint/cli": "^17.3.0",
"@commitlint/config-conventional": "^17.3.0",
"@docusaurus/core": "2.2.0",
"@docusaurus/module-type-aliases": "2.2.0",
"@docusaurus/preset-classic": "2.2.0",
"@docusaurus/types": "2.2.0",
"@neuralegion/cypress-har-generator": "^5.3.4",
"@nrwl/cypress": "15.7.2",
"@nx-plus/docusaurus": "15.0.0-rc.0",
"@testing-library/react-17": "npm:@testing-library/[email protected]",
"concurrently": "^7.6.0",
"cypress": "^12.2.0",
"enquirer": "^2.3.6",
"git-cz": "^4.9.0",
"husky": "^8.0.2",
"jscodeshift": "^0.14.0",
"lint-staged": "^13.1.0",
"nx-stylelint": "^14.0.2",
"react-17": "npm:react@^17.0.2",
"react-dom-17": "npm:[email protected]",
"react-is-17": "npm:[email protected]",
"react-test-renderer-17": "npm:[email protected]",
"stylelint": "^14.16.1",
"stylelint-config-idiomatic-order": "^9.0.0",
"stylelint-config-prettier": "^9.0.4",
"stylelint-config-recommended": "^9.0.0",
"stylelint-config-standard": "^29.0.0",
"stylelint-config-styled-components": "^0.1.1",
"stylelint-processor-styled-components": "^1.10.0",
"swiper-6": "npm:swiper@^6.8.4"
"pnpm": {
"overrides": {
"prosemirror-commands": "1.2.2",
"prosemirror-state": "1.3.4",
"prosemirror-transform": "1.4.2"
"patchedDependencies": {
"[email protected]": "patches/[email protected]"
"volta": {
"node": "18.13.0",
"pnpm": "7.27.1"
"packageManager": "[email protected]",
"ntl": {
"runner": "pnpm"
"repository": "[email protected]:mycompany/npm.scope.git",
"msw": {
"workerDirectory": "apps/nextjs/public"
I retried and I had to stop the script after 5 minutes because it seems to have gone in loop .... [9066/9275]
@ild0tt0re I have tried bun install
with your package.json
$ BUN_DEBUG_QUIET_LOGS=1 bun-debug install
bun install v0.5.8_debug (efdf6474)
🔍 @mycompany/wasabi [840/1720]
error: package "@mycompany/wasabi" not found registry.npmjs.org/@mycompany/wasabi 404
error: @mycompany/wasabi@^2.61.0 failed to resolve
Are you perhaps using a custom npm registry?
@ild0tt0re I have tried
bun install
with yourpackage.json
above:$ BUN_DEBUG_QUIET_LOGS=1 bun-debug install bun install v0.5.8_debug (efdf6474) 🔍 @mycompany/wasabi [840/1720] error: package "@mycompany/wasabi" not found registry.npmjs.org/@mycompany/wasabi 404 error: @mycompany/wasabi@^2.61.0 failed to resolve
Are you perhaps using a custom npm registry?
Oh Yes sorry, as reported in bunfig.toml we use Nexus as private npm registry
[install] registry = "https://packages.tools.mycompany.xyz/repository/npm-all/"
Don't worry about that package, you can remove it 🙂
I can replicate the slowness/stuck progress using your custom registry − while https://registry.npmjs.org
(the default) finishes downloading within a few seconds (before reporting on the missing package as mentioned above).
Taking out @mycompany/wasabi
and using default NPM registry:
$ bun install
bun install v0.5.8 (c0a49e40)
+ @commitlint/[email protected]
+ @commitlint/[email protected]
+ @docusaurus/[email protected]
+ @docusaurus/[email protected]
+ @docusaurus/[email protected]
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+ @nrwl/[email protected]
+ @nrwl/[email protected]
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+ @nrwl/[email protected]
+ @nrwl/[email protected]
+ @nrwl/[email protected]
+ @nrwl/[email protected]
+ @nrwl/[email protected]
+ @nrwl/[email protected]
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3171 packages installed [9.60s]
Looks like there's an issue with the custom registry in provisioning dependencies:
bun install v0.5.8 (c0a49e40)
error: @angular-devkit/schematics@^15.0.4 failed to resolve
error: @babel/[email protected] failed to resolve
error: @babel/plugin-proposal-private-property-in-object@^7.20.5 failed to resolve
error: @babel/[email protected] failed to resolve
error: @babel/[email protected] failed to resolve
error: @babel/[email protected] failed to resolve
error: @jscutlery/semver@^2.29.3 failed to resolve
error: @mdx-js/[email protected] failed to resolve
error: @mdx-js/react@^2.2.1 failed to resolve
error: @next/bundle-analyzer@^13.1.1 failed to resolve
error: @nrwl/[email protected] failed to resolve
error: @nrwl/[email protected] failed to resolve
error: @nrwl/[email protected] failed to resolve
error: @nrwl/[email protected] failed to resolve
error: @nrwl/[email protected] failed to resolve
error: @nrwl/[email protected] failed to resolve
error: @nrwl/[email protected] failed to resolve
error: @nrwl/[email protected] failed to resolve
error: @nrwl/[email protected] failed to resolve
error: @nrwl/[email protected] failed to resolve
error: @nrwl/[email protected] failed to resolve
error: @nrwl/[email protected] failed to resolve
error: @nrwl/[email protected] failed to resolve
error: @pmmmwh/react-refresh-webpack-plugin@^0.5.10 failed to resolve
error: @rollup/plugin-commonjs@^24.0.0 failed to resolve
error: @rollup/[email protected] failed to resolve
error: @rollup/plugin-url@^7.0.0 failed to resolve
error: @storybook/[email protected] failed to resolve
error: @storybook/[email protected] failed to resolve
error: @storybook/[email protected] failed to resolve
error: @storybook/[email protected] failed to resolve
error: @storybook/[email protected] failed to resolve
error: @storybook/addon-knobs@^6.4.0 failed to resolve
error: @storybook/[email protected] failed to resolve
error: @storybook/[email protected] failed to resolve
error: @storybook/[email protected] failed to resolve
error: @storybook/[email protected] failed to resolve
error: @storybook/blocks@^7.0.0-beta.55 failed to resolve
error: @storybook/[email protected] failed to resolve
error: @storybook/[email protected] failed to resolve
error: @storybook/[email protected] failed to resolve
error: @storybook/[email protected] failed to resolve
error: @storybook/jest@^0.0.11-next.0 failed to resolve
error: @storybook/[email protected] failed to resolve
error: @storybook/[email protected] failed to resolve
error: @storybook/react-webpack5@^7.0.0-beta.55 failed to resolve
error: @storybook/[email protected] failed to resolve
error: @storybook/testing-library@^0.0.14-next.1 failed to resolve
error: @storybook/[email protected] failed to resolve
error: @svgr/cli@^6.5.1 failed to resolve
error: @svgr/rollup@^6.5.1 failed to resolve
error: @svgr/webpack@^6.5.1 failed to resolve
error: @swc-node/register@^1.4.2 failed to resolve
error: @swc/cli@~0.1.59 failed to resolve
error: @swc/core@^1.3.24 failed to resolve
error: @swc/jest@^0.2.24 failed to resolve
error: @swc/[email protected] failed to resolve
error: @testing-library/dom@^8.19.1 failed to resolve
error: @testing-library/jest-dom@^5.16.5 failed to resolve
error: @testing-library/[email protected] failed to resolve
error: @testing-library/react-hooks@^8.0.1 failed to resolve
error: @testing-library/user-event@^14.4.3 failed to resolve
error: @types/auth0-js@^9.14.7 failed to resolve
error: @types/downloadjs@^1.4.3 failed to resolve
error: @types/enzyme@^3.10.12 failed to resolve
error: @types/[email protected] failed to resolve
error: @types/[email protected] failed to resolve
error: @types/jscodeshift@^0.11.6 failed to resolve
error: @types/lodash@^4.14.191 failed to resolve
error: @types/[email protected] failed to resolve
error: @types/[email protected] failed to resolve
error: @types/react-autosuggest@^10.1.5 failed to resolve
error: @types/[email protected] failed to resolve
error: @types/[email protected] failed to resolve
error: @types/react-instantsearch-dom@^6.12.3 failed to resolve
error: @types/react-is@^17.0.3 failed to resolve
error: @types/react-modal@^3.13.1 failed to resolve
error: @types/[email protected] failed to resolve
error: @types/react-scroll@^1.8.5 failed to resolve
error: @types/react-select@^4.0.18 failed to resolve
error: @types/react-test-renderer@^18.0.0 failed to resolve
error: @types/recharts@^1.8.24 failed to resolve
error: @types/[email protected] failed to resolve
error: @types/[email protected] failed to resolve
error: @types/[email protected] failed to resolve
error: @typescript-eslint/[email protected] failed to resolve
error: @typescript-eslint/[email protected] failed to resolve
error: @wojtekmaj/enzyme-adapter-react-17@^0.8.0 failed to resolve
error: [email protected] failed to resolve
error: [email protected] failed to resolve
error: [email protected] failed to resolve
error: copy-webpack-plugin@^11.0.0 failed to resolve
error: css-loader@^6.7.3 failed to resolve
error: [email protected] failed to resolve
error: dotenv@^16.0.3 failed to resolve
error: enzyme@^3.11.0 failed to resolve
error: [email protected] failed to resolve
error: eslint-config-airbnb@^19.0.4 failed to resolve
error: eslint-config-airbnb-base@^15.0.0 failed to resolve
error: eslint-config-airbnb-typescript@^17.0.0 failed to resolve
error: [email protected] failed to resolve
error: [email protected] failed to resolve
error: eslint-plugin-cypress@^2.12.1 failed to resolve
error: [email protected] failed to resolve
error: eslint-plugin-jest@^27.1.7 failed to resolve
error: [email protected] failed to resolve
error: eslint-plugin-prettier@^4.2.1 failed to resolve
error: eslint-plugin-promise@^6.1.1 failed to resolve
error: [email protected] failed to resolve
error: [email protected] failed to resolve
error: eslint-plugin-simple-import-sort@^8.0.0 failed to resolve
error: eslint-plugin-storybook@^0.6.8 failed to resolve
error: eslint-plugin-unicorn@^45.0.2 failed to resolve
error: file-loader@^6.2.0 failed to resolve
error: html-webpack-plugin@^5.5.0 failed to resolve
error: http-server@^14.1.1 failed to resolve
error: [email protected] failed to resolve
error: [email protected] failed to resolve
error: [email protected] failed to resolve
error: [email protected] failed to resolve
error: [email protected] failed to resolve
error: jest-styled-components@^7.1.1 failed to resolve
error: jsonc-eslint-parser@^2.1.0 failed to resolve
error: launchdarkly-js-client-sdk@^3.0.0 failed to resolve
error: [email protected] failed to resolve
error: msw@^0.49.2 failed to resolve
error: msw-storybook-addon@^1.7.0 failed to resolve
error: ngx-deploy-npm@^5.2.0 failed to resolve
error: [email protected] failed to resolve
error: ntl@^5.1.0 failed to resolve
error: [email protected] failed to resolve
error: [email protected] failed to resolve
error: [email protected] failed to resolve
error: [email protected] failed to resolve
error: react-refresh@^0.14.0 failed to resolve
error: [email protected] failed to resolve
error: rollup@^3.9.0 failed to resolve
error: rollup-plugin-copy@^3.4.0 failed to resolve
error: rollup-plugin-peer-deps-external@^2.2.4 failed to resolve
error: rollup-plugin-terser@^7.0.2 failed to resolve
error: rollup-plugin-typescript2@^0.34.1 failed to resolve
error: rollup-plugin-visualizer@^5.8.3 failed to resolve
error: [email protected] failed to resolve
error: [email protected] failed to resolve
error: source-map-loader@^4.0.1 failed to resolve
error: [email protected] failed to resolve
error: [email protected] failed to resolve
error: [email protected] failed to resolve
error: storybook-addon-swc@^1.1.9 failed to resolve
error: style-loader@^3.3.1 failed to resolve
error: stylus@^0.59.0 failed to resolve
error: stylus-loader@^7.1.0 failed to resolve
error: [email protected] failed to resolve
error: terser-webpack-plugin@^5.3.6 failed to resolve
error: [email protected] failed to resolve
error: [email protected] failed to resolve
error: [email protected] failed to resolve
error: typedoc@^0.23.23 failed to resolve
error: [email protected] failed to resolve
error: url-loader@^4.1.1 failed to resolve
error: wait-on@^7.0.1 failed to resolve
error: webpack@^5.75.0 failed to resolve
error: webpack-dev-server@^4.11.1 failed to resolve
error: webpack-merge@^5.8.0 failed to resolve
error: webpack-node-externals@^3.0.0 failed to resolve
error: webpack-sources@^3.2.3 failed to resolve
error: @algolia/[email protected] failed to resolve
error: @apollo/client@^3.7.3 failed to resolve
error: @cubejs-client/core@^0.31.30 failed to resolve
error: @cubejs-client/react@^0.31.30 failed to resolve
error: @datadog/browser-rum@^4.28.1 failed to resolve
error: @dnd-kit/core@^5.0.3 failed to resolve
error: @dnd-kit/modifiers@^5.0.0 failed to resolve
error: @dnd-kit/sortable@^6.0.1 failed to resolve
error: @recurly/[email protected] failed to resolve
error: @remirror/[email protected] failed to resolve
error: @remirror/[email protected] failed to resolve
error: @remirror/[email protected] failed to resolve
error: @remirror/[email protected] failed to resolve
error: @swc/helpers@~0.4.14 failed to resolve
error: @xstate/[email protected] failed to resolve
error: algoliasearch@^4.14.3 failed to resolve
error: [email protected] failed to resolve
error: auth0-js@^9.20.0 failed to resolve
error: class.extend@^0.9.2 failed to resolve
error: clsx@^1.2.1 failed to resolve
error: core-js@^3.27.1 failed to resolve
error: date-fns@^2.29.3 failed to resolve
error: dd-trace@^2.18.0 failed to resolve
error: deepmerge@^4.2.2 failed to resolve
error: [email protected] failed to resolve
error: downloadjs@^1.4.7 failed to resolve
error: graphql@^16.6.0 failed to resolve
error: graphql-anywhere@^4.2.8 failed to resolve
error: history@^5.3.0 failed to resolve
error: html-to-react@^1.5.0 failed to resolve
error: humanize-duration@^3.27.3 failed to resolve
error: [email protected] failed to resolve
error: intersection-observer@^0.12.2 failed to resolve
error: intl-tel-input@^17.0.19 failed to resolve
error: jwt-decode@^3.1.2 failed to resolve
error: launchdarkly-react-client-sdk@^2.29.1 failed to resolve
error: ldclient-js@^2.10.2 failed to resolve
error: lodash@^4.17.21 failed to resolve
error: moment@^2.29.4 failed to resolve
error: moment-business@^3.0.1 failed to resolve
error: [email protected] failed to resolve
error: next-auth@^4.18.7 failed to resolve
error: next-compose-plugins@^2.2.1 failed to resolve
error: polished@^4.2.2 failed to resolve
error: prism-react-renderer@^1.3.5 failed to resolve
error: [email protected] failed to resolve
error: [email protected] failed to resolve
error: query-string@^7.1.1 failed to resolve
error: rc-progress@^3.4.1 failed to resolve
error: rc-slider@^10.1.0 failed to resolve
error: [email protected] failed to resolve
error: react-autosuggest@^10.1.0 failed to resolve
error: react-container-query@^0.12.1 failed to resolve
error: react-content-loader@^6.2.0 failed to resolve
error: react-day-picker@^7.4.10 failed to resolve
error: [email protected] failed to resolve
error: react-google-recaptcha@^2.1.0 failed to resolve
error: react-google-recaptcha-v3@^1.10.1 failed to resolve
error: react-helmet@^6.1.0 failed to resolve
error: react-hook-form@^7.41.2 failed to resolve
error: react-instantsearch-core@^6.38.1 failed to resolve
error: react-instantsearch-dom@^6.38.1 failed to resolve
error: react-instantsearch-hooks-web@^6.38.1 failed to resolve
error: [email protected] failed to resolve
error: react-lazyload@^3.2.0 failed to resolve
error: react-modal@^3.16.1 failed to resolve
error: react-notification-system@^0.4.0 failed to resolve
error: react-onclickout@^2.0.8 failed to resolve
error: [email protected] failed to resolve
error: [email protected] failed to resolve
error: react-scroll@^1.8.9 failed to resolve
error: react-select@^4.3.1 failed to resolve
error: react-slick@^0.29.0 failed to resolve
error: [email protected] failed to resolve
error: react-syntax-highlighter@^15.5.0 failed to resolve
error: react-toastify@^8.2.0 failed to resolve
error: [email protected] failed to resolve
error: redux@^4.2.0 failed to resolve
error: redux-devtools-extension@^2.13.9 failed to resolve
error: redux-form@^8.3.9 failed to resolve
error: redux-saga@^1.2.2 failed to resolve
error: redux-saga-thunk@^0.7.3 failed to resolve
error: [email protected] failed to resolve
error: [email protected] failed to resolve
error: [email protected] failed to resolve
error: reselect@^4.1.7 failed to resolve
error: sharp@^0.31.3 failed to resolve
error: slugify@^1.6.5 failed to resolve
error: socket.io-client@^4.5.4 failed to resolve
error: striptags@^3.2.0 failed to resolve
error: [email protected] failed to resolve
error: styled-theme@^0.3.3 failed to resolve
error: [email protected] failed to resolve
error: tslib@^2.4.1 failed to resolve
error: universal-cookie@^4.0.4 failed to resolve
error: uuid@^8.3.2 failed to resolve
error: validator@^13.7.0 failed to resolve
error: video.js@^7.20.3 failed to resolve
error: xss@^1.0.14 failed to resolve
error: [email protected] failed to resolve
... obviously bun
also should be able to handle a barrage of resolution failures without getting stuck.
@alexlamsl the time looks promising 😃 Yes, you can't access with our registry because is protected behind a firewall.
How can I help you? Can I provide you some logs?
Would you like to try BUN_CONFIG_MAX_HTTP_REQUESTS=1
like I did above and see if the problems you've encountered persist?
It would help to rule out any network-load related issues.
Would you like to try
like I did above and see if the problems you've encountered persist?It would help to rule out any network-load related issues.
error: No version matching "3.0.0" found for specifier "@types/history" (but package exists)
error: Integrity check failed<r> for tarball: @types/node
error: Integrity check failed<r> for tarball: eval
and no packages have been installed.
The package with that specific version indeed does not exist: https://www.npmjs.com/package/@types/history/v/3.0.0
not found
package '@types/history' with version 3.0.0 not found
Can you try, using the same custom registry and package.json
, run npm install
, then afterwards (assuming it ran successfully) show us the output of npm ls -a
For comparison this is the output from bun pm ls --all
after a successful bun install
using default NPM registry (without @mycompany/wasabi
, of course).
One can see that @types/history
being installed here is of version 4.7.11
rather than 3.0.0
− as it is not directly declared in your package.json
, it may mean an older but in-range dependency is served by the custom registry.
Command completed successfully:
npm install --legacy-peer-deps
But with npm ls -a
I have some Errors:
The "Console Output" you've attached has been truncated − try npm ls -a >npm-ls.log 2>&1
and upload npm-ls.log
(Clearly npm
has issues of its own as well, but let's focus on one problem at a time...)
Here the full log: npm-ls.log
After some releases (now bun v0.16.4
) I retried the command and I got this unexpected error
error: Unexpected
----- bun meta -----
Bun v0.6.14 (b5665739) macOS Silicon 22.5.0
InstallCommand: dotenv bunfig extracted_packages
HTTP: 58
Elapsed: 133626ms | User: 8684ms | Sys: 18148ms
RSS: 0.60GB | Peak: 0.62GB | Commit: 1.17GB | Faults: 56
----- bun meta -----
0 0x1047aa964 WTFGetBacktrace
bun install
has gone through a lot of changes since this issue was created. If you still run into a specific bug, please open another issue.
Having this problem using the latest version.
Edit: Having it with pnpm too so it's probably an issue with the npm registry.