bun icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
bun copied to clipboard

Running `bun help` in v1.1.5 from PowerShell in Windows Terminal seems to close the console handle

Open MatejKafka opened this issue 10 months ago • 2 comments

What version of Bun is running?


What platform is your computer?

Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.19045.0 x64

What steps can reproduce the bug?

  1. Install Windows Terminal
  2. Open PowerShell in Windows Terminal
  3. Run bun help.

What is the expected behavior?

Help is printed, PowerShell is usable afterwards

What do you see instead?

> bun help
Bun is a fast JavaScript runtime, package manager, bundler, and test runner. (1.1.5+b257a3097)

Usage: bun <command> [...flags] [...args]

  run       ./my-script.ts       Execute a file with Bun
            lint                 Run a package.json script
  test                           Run unit tests with Bun
  x         eslint               Execute a package binary (CLI), installing if needed (bunx)
  repl                           Start a REPL session with Bun
  exec                           Run a shell script directly with Bun

  install                        Install dependencies for a package.json (bun i)
  add       astro                Add a dependency to package.json (bun a)
  remove    elysia               Remove a dependency from package.json (bun rm)
  update    webpack              Update outdated dependencies
  link      [<package>]          Register or link a local npm package
  unlink                         Unregister a local npm package
  pm <subcommand>                Additional package management utilities

  build     ./a.ts ./b.jsx       Bundle TypeScript & JavaScript into a single file

  init                           Start an empty Bun project from a blank template
  create    @shumai/shumai       Create a new project from a template (bun c)
  upgrade                        Upgrade to latest version of Bun.
  <command> --help               Print help text for command.

Learn more about Bun:            https://bun.sh/docs
Join our Discord community:      https://bun.sh/discord

An error has occurred that was not properly handled. Additional information is shown below. The PowerShell process will exit.
Unhandled exception. System.InvalidOperationException: Cannot read keys when either application does not have a console or when console input has been redirected. Try Console.Read.
   at System.ConsolePal.ReadKey(Boolean intercept)
   at Microsoft.PowerShell.Internal.VirtualTerminal.ReadKey()
   at Microsoft.PowerShell.PSConsoleReadLine.ReadOneOrMoreKeys()
   at Microsoft.PowerShell.PSConsoleReadLine.ReadKeyThreadProc()
   at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
--- End of stack trace from previous location ---
   at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)

[process exited with code 3762504530 (0xe0434352)]
You can now close this terminal with Ctrl+D, or press Enter to restart.

Additional information

Seems to reproduce both in PowerShell Core and Windows PowerShell (the built-in one), but not in cmd, and not if PowerShell runs in conhost instead of Windows Terminal.

I can reproduce the issue running bun or bun help, but not bun --revision. I'm a bit suspicious that it might be related to using VT escape sequences.

It seems as if Bun somehow frees the console handle used by PowerShell.

MatejKafka avatar Apr 27 '24 21:04 MatejKafka

Also, in cmd in both conhost and Windows Terminal, running bun help seems to switch the console to something like a raw mode (not sure about the terminology on Windows), where keys such as arrows result in entering raw chars instead of moving the cursor.

MatejKafka avatar Apr 27 '24 21:04 MatejKafka

In cmd, launching doskey after the bun help command, when the console has swithed to a raw mode, reverts the console to a normal mode, where arrows are usable. For a temporary workaround, it is possible to automate this by adding a bun alias : doskey bun=bun $*$T@doskey.

joelhecht avatar May 17 '24 05:05 joelhecht

We've invested a ton of time into making Bun more reliable over the last year. I'm having a really hard time reproducing this. If you're still running into this issue, please let me know and I'll re-open this

RiskyMH avatar Jan 31 '25 03:01 RiskyMH

Yes, the issue seems to be fixed now, cannot reproduce it either. Thanks. :)

MatejKafka avatar Feb 03 '25 12:02 MatejKafka