Yufan You
Yufan You
> 其实硬要塞 issue 的话可以考虑存个 json 进来之类的.. 塞到单条评论里是比较好,不然读取的时候都要加载很久。
> Right-click, Plugins, ConnectionNotifier This also disables all connected/disconnected messages, not just battery updates. I would like to see the battery status only once when the device is first connected,...
> We can make notifications configurable, of course, but could it be a reasonable tradeoff to only show new values if they are multiples of 10 % or would that...
> How can I change this setting? Is there a config somewhere? There is a link to the fork, so the config is in that fork and is not merged...
> release的文件上传需要先从原来的下载下来,然后再上传。 这个有什么问题吗,手动同步也需要 > 如果原release被修改后,同步可能很困难 文件修改不判断就好了(一般来说 release 的文件也不应当修改),文字内容和新增文件可以同步