simple_excel_writer icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
simple_excel_writer copied to clipboard

simple excel writer in Rust


simple excel writer in Rust

Build Status Documentation


extern crate simple_excel_writer as excel;

use excel::*;

fn main() {
    let mut wb = Workbook::create("/tmp/b.xlsx");
    let mut sheet = wb.create_sheet("SheetName");

    // set column width
    sheet.add_column(Column { width: 30.0 });
    sheet.add_column(Column { width: 30.0 });
    sheet.add_column(Column { width: 80.0 });
    sheet.add_column(Column { width: 60.0 });

    wb.write_sheet(&mut sheet, |sheet_writer| {
        let sw = sheet_writer;
        sw.append_row(row!["Name", "Title","Success","XML Remark"])?;
        sw.append_row(row!["Amy", (), true,"<xml><tag>\"Hello\" & 'World'</tag></xml>"])?;
        sw.append_row(row!["Tony", blank!(2), "retired"])
    }).expect("write excel error!");

    let mut sheet = wb.create_sheet("Sheet2");
    wb.write_sheet(&mut sheet, |sheet_writer| {
        let sw = sheet_writer;
        sw.append_row(row!["Name", "Title","Success","Remark"])?;
        sw.append_row(row!["Amy", "Manager", true])
    }).expect("write excel error!");

    let euro_fmt_idx = wb.add_cust_number_format("\"€\"#,##0.00".to_string());
    let weight_fmt_idx = wb.add_cust_number_format("#,##0.0\" KG\"".to_string());
    let mut sheet_num_fmt = wb.create_sheet("SheetNumFormatted");
    sheet_num_fmt.add_column(Column { width: 30.0 });
    sheet_num_fmt.add_column(Column { width: 30.0 });
    wb.write_sheet(&mut sheet_num_fmt, |sheet_writer| {
        let sw = sheet_writer;
        sw.append_row(row!["Weight", "Price"])?;
        sw.append_row(row![(700.5, weight_fmt_idx), (12045.99, euro_fmt_idx)])?;
        sw.append_row(row![(1525.0, weight_fmt_idx), (25999.00, euro_fmt_idx)])
    }).expect("write excel error!");

    wb.close().expect("close excel error!");


  • support style

Change Log

0.2.0 (2022-03-11)

  • support WASM !

0.1.9 (2021-10-28)

  • support formula
  • support NaiveDate & NaiveDateTime
  • format dates and date times
  • Sheet name validation
  • remove unndecessary bzip2 dependency

many thanks to all contributors !

0.1.7 (2020-04-29)

  • support create-in-memory mode, thanks to Maxburke.
This change creates all worksheet files in-memory and only writes them
to disk once the XLSX file is closed.

A new option for creating a version that is in-memory only is available
with `Worksheet::create_in_memory()` which returns the buffer holding
the completed XLSX file contents when closed.

0.1.6 (2020-04-06)

  • support shared strings between worksheets, thanks to Mikael Edlund.

0.1.5 (2019-03-21)

  • support Windows platform, thanks to Carl Fredrik Samson.

0.1.4 (2017-03-24)

  • escape xml characters.

0.1.3 (2017-01-03)

  • support 26+ columns .
  • fix column width bug.

0.1.2 (2017-01-02)

  • support multiple sheets

0.1 (2017-01-01)

  • generate the basic xlsx file

