orchestrator-agent copied to clipboard
Error 1364: Field 'count_mysql_snapshots' doesn't have a default value
With orchestrator 1.5.0 and orchestrator-agent 1.1.25 both from rpm on centos 6
So after setting up the default rpm's on centos and configuring orchestrator, everything was peachy but my agents weren't reporting in. I modified orchestrator-agent.conf.json
to point to right server but it still wasn't working.
Checking /var/lib/orchestrator.log
I saw errors like:
[martini] Started GET /api/submit-agent/myserver/3002/6bc145b06fdcbc8a7f00e6bf211c22a0827e3f33d7dd049b4de6abd1b710fd0c for
2016-07-12 16:20:02 ERROR Error 1364: Field 'count_mysql_snapshots' doesn't have a default value
2016-07-12 16:20:02 ERROR Error 1364: Field 'count_mysql_snapshots' doesn't have a default value
[martini] Completed 200 OK in 11.346799ms
my orchestrator-agent.conf.json
is near default provided by the rpm. Of note is that I'm not using the LVM functionality.
"SnapshotMountPoint": "/tmp",
"AgentsServer": "http://my-orchestrator-box.mynetwork.com:3001",
"ContinuousPollSeconds" : 60,
"ResubmitAgentIntervalMinutes": 60,
"CreateSnapshotCommand": "echo 'no action'",
"AvailableLocalSnapshotHostsCommand": "echo",
"AvailableSnapshotHostsCommand": "echo localhost\n127.0.0.1",
"SnapshotVolumesFilter": "-my-snapshot-",
"MySQLDatadirCommand": "set $(grep datadir /etc/my.cnf | head -n 1 | awk -F= '{print $2}') ; echo $1",
"MySQLPortCommand": "set $(grep ^port /etc/my.cnf | head -n 1 | awk -F= '{print $2}') ; echo $1",
"MySQLDeleteDatadirContentCommand": "echo 'will not do'",
"MySQLServiceStopCommand": "/etc/init.d/mysqld stop",
"MySQLServiceStartCommand": "/etc/init.d/mysqld start",
"MySQLServiceStatusCommand": "/etc/init.d/mysqld status",
"ReceiveSeedDataCommand": "echo 'not implemented here'",
"SendSeedDataCommand": "echo 'not implemented here'",
"PostCopyCommand": "echo 'post copy'",
"HTTPPort": 3002,
"HTTPAuthUser": "",
"HTTPAuthPassword": "",
"UseSSL": false,
"SSLCertFile": "",
"SSLPrivateKeyFile": "",
"HttpTimeoutSeconds": 10
So on a whim I did an ALTER TABLE
in MySQL orchestrator.host_agent.count_mysql_snapshots
to set a DEFAULT value of 0
A few refreshes later and the error no longer occurs and my agent info is now populated in the orchestrator GUI.
You'll still get some errors in the logs, as this obviously isn't the right fix. But it should get you running in the short term.
[martini] Started GET /api/submit-agent/myserver/3002/f4a57561fb14029cc1f762cf503f252e9895f4de54dc704c982d22a9393d835c for
[martini] Completed 200 OK in 20.484832ms
2016-07-12 16:31:23 ERROR json: cannot unmarshal object into Go value of type []string
What is the proper fix?