mastodonk copied to clipboard
Kotlin/Multiplatform library for Mastodon
mastodonk — A Kotlin/Multiplatform Mastodon API client
repositories {
maven { url = uri("") }
kotlin {
sourceSets {
val commonMain by getting {
dependencies {
// Core library
// Paging library, use with androidx.paging v3 on JVM
Mastodonk provides a Kotlin-first API based on coroutines and Flows.
fun main() = runBlocking {
val client = MastodonClient {
domain = ""
authTokenProvider = AuthTokenProvider {
// Provide an authentication token
AuthToken(accessToken = "your-access-token-here")
GlobalScope.launch {
// Get some information about the configured instance
val instance = client.instance.getInstanceInfo()
println("connected to instance ${instance.title} at ${instance.uri}!")
// Get a list of public toots
val toots = client.timelines.getPublicTimeline()
// Get some #cats in your life
val catToots = client.timelines.getHashtagTimeline("cats")
// Easy pagination
val moreCatToots = client.timelines.getHashtagTimeline(
pageInfo = catToots.nextPage
// Subscribe to streaming APIs and get a Flow
client.streaming.getPublicStream().collect { event ->
when (event) {
is UpdateEvent -> println("new status from ${event.payload.account.displayName}!")
else -> Unit