Yes. In particular @ and . To allow email as username
@rica-carv do you think your suggestion above is a realistic possibility?
> Right. Looking to have a setting to end at a particular interval
It would be for each user. The idea would be to basically make the profile inactive (bounced or deleted) and prevent login.
would that be create an extended field user_joined? After that, I'm not understanding next steps (make it predefined list, date, DB table field) etc. Give it a predefined value? Just...
I do implement the probation. I was thinking more along the line of a class expiration. If a member joins for a term (year, month) after reaching that time threshold...
If something like that can be tied into something like easyshop or vstore that would be pretty cool
There’s already the option to promote to userclass after purchase in both easyshop and vstore I believe. I guess what my thoughts are would be purchase>promote to userclass + start...