I have the same problem in NX. Does it worked out?
Thank you for your reply. But I'm a little confused > Just a quick update, Removing refs to JETPACK in sources made it installing standard Opencv 4.2 > > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/nvidia-l4t-apt-source.list...
> https://forums.developer.nvidia.com/t/compiling-opencv-on-jetpack-5/219668 > > This is a solve about clean opencv4.5.4 and 4.2. I run this .sh after install ROS. It can work for me. BTW it has a few...
> Yes, if you don't want to install opencv 4.6.0 you can modify that file. And install opencv4.5.3 after clean. OK,I see. But I have other project need opencv, so...
> Maybe you should disable in loop_fusion module, and it will thus release input image after keyframe construction. @zgxsin`DEBUG_IMAGE` I have the same question. Can you describe more specific please~