paredit-plus copied to clipboard
zlib error when installing paredit-plus
Trying to install paredit-plus from a freshly downloaded LT 0.7.2 I see this in console:
Error: incorrect header check at Zlib._binding.onerror (zlib.js:295:17)
Installing other plugins work ok.
Investigating deeper I found a broken tarball in ~/.config/LightTable/plugins % cat plugins/Paredit_Plus-tmp.tar.gz {"message":"Not Found","documentation_url":""}
I don't know if the problem is in LT itself.
Deleting the file and all LT caches does not help.
I'm having the same problem. The plugin will not install through LightTable's plugin manager.
My current workaround is to manually grab the current version from the Releases section: , and unpack that into LightTable's plugins folder (that depends on your OS, for me it was ~/.config/LightTable/plugins
Something probably changed in LightTable regarding plugins. I haven't touched the plugin (nor LightTable) in about a year so haven't kept up with the changes. Ran into too many little issues back then so went back to emacs.
Wouldn't mind creating a new release if there's an easy fix but don't have much time to look into it.
What OS are you using?
Still happens on 0.7.2.
Multiple plugins seem to have (or had) the same problem and I can't find any clear answer on how to fix it. Looks like it was originally a github issue that was supposed to resolve itself.
The only thing I can think of is releasing a new version (just incrementing the version number) to see if that solves the problem.
Created a new version and opened a LightTable plugin issue to have them update the plugin version to 0.0.7.
Hopefully that will solve the problem.
Hi !
I think somewhere along the plugin handling rewrite, handling of .git as a suffix for the source meta attribute wasn't accounted for. So your plugin has, which is absolutely valid, however paredit-plus.git is not a valid repo name when using the github api for downloading tarballs.
Anyways, this fixes that (in addition to handling when download fails)
Ah, thx. Nice to know what the cause of the problem is.
Anything I need to do or just wait for it to get fixed in LightTable?
We're working on a 0.8 release of LT and I can't see any reason this fix will be part of it. When 0.8 is out is still an unknown, hopefully soon but you never know.
If you get impatient due to complaints from users of your plugin it's only a matter of creating a new tag for your plugin and remove the .git suffix from the source attribute in your plugin.edn. If you do just give me a shout or submit an issue to the plugin-metadata repo and I'll release a new version.
Alternatively you could route your users to try out :-)
cheers Magnus
I'll probably have some time to fix it this weekend. And I'll mention the other plugin in the readme.
Thanks for the help. Glad it's an easy fix in the end.