Vitaly Ostrosablin
Vitaly Ostrosablin
@mquevill Wow! I took a look at Compass Dodecagonal tiling and it's a really neat grid! Thanks for implementing it. Will recompile Loopy locally with your patch applied. Hope Simon...
On a side note, compass dodecagonal grid by @mquevill is finally accepted in upstream.
Implemented the idea in Pull Request #213
@kientzle But fix commit only implements --long support for write filter, doesn't it? Looking at zstd read filter code, it seems we initialize the stream decompression context without setting any...
Sounds great! Will check it out. It just might be a perfect compromise to make few of my small datasets (300-1000 KB) yield acceptable results.
Yes, that's probably the best option, because NLTK is well maintained, while PyHyphen seems to be abandoned and partially broken. I've tried to install dictionaries manually by downloading them from...
I've modified your preprocessing module to make it work with another Python hyphenation library, Pyphen instead of PyHyphen. It has dictionaries built-in, so it has no problems like those I...
Well, that worked quite fine. Network is converging into readability really quickly and on really small datasets. I suspect it might catch on to features more poorly, since dataset is...
Oh, that solves #47 issue I have started! Many thanks! Hope this gets merged into the main project, but for now I'm cloning your fork.
Well, from how I understand the algorithm, it's exactly what it's supposed to be. Explore N most-probable nodes, and check which path will yield higher probabilities product. I didn't try...