nika copied to clipboard
Error. Address already in use.
:bug: Describe the bug:
When I launched Nika with Docker, I got such a massenge.
:open_file_folder: To Reproduce:
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
- Enter comands:
git clone -c core.longpaths=true -c core.autocrlf=true
cd nika
git submodule update --init --recursive
docker compose pull
docker compose up --no-build
- Open Docker Desktop.
:heavy_check_mark: Expected behavior
- All containers should be blue. And I should get a working link.
:floppy_disk: Screenshots
:computer: Desktop:
- OS: [Linux Ubuntu]
- Version [22.04.1 LTS (Jammy Jellyfish)]
- Docker Desktop
- Version [4.15.0 (93002)]