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OST VIEW is the custom-built block explorer from OST for OpenST Utility Blockchains

OST View

OST VIEW is the home grown multi-chain block explorer from OST for OpenST Utility Blockchains.

To parse blockchains, OST VIEW uses the OST Block Scanner.


  git clone https://github.com/ostdotcom/ost-view.git
  cd ost-view/
  npm install


1. Install Prerequisites

2. Run DynamoDBLocal.jar, if you are not using AWS DynamoDB Service

  # NOTE: Make sure to change DYNAMODB_PATH
  export DYNAMODB_PATH=~/dynamodb_local_latest
  java -Djava.library.path=$DYNAMODB_PATH/DynamoDBLocal_lib/ -jar $DYNAMODB_PATH/DynamoDBLocal.jar -sharedDb -dbPath $DYNAMODB_PATH/

3. Create OST VIEW configuration file

Refer to configuration.json.example to create a new configuration file.

4. Create Global DynamoDB tables:

  node ./node_modules/@ostdotcom/ost-block-scanner/tools/initialSetup.js --configFile $(pwd)/configuration.json

5. Add a new chain and create chain-specific shared DynamoDB tables:

  • Mandatory parameters: chainId, networkId, configFile
  • Optional parameters (each defaults to 1):
    • blockShardCount: number of block shards to be created
    • economyAddressShardCount: number of economy address shards to be created
    • transactionShardCount: number of transaction shards to be created
  # NOTE:
  # Make sure chain configuration is present in configuration file before starting this step. 
  # Optional parameters are used to create entity-specific sharded tables. 
  # By default only one shard is created for each entity. 
  node ./node_modules/@ostdotcom/ost-block-scanner/tools/addChain.js --configFile $(pwd)/configuration.json --chainId 2000 --networkId 1 --blockShardCount 2 --economyAddressShardCount 2 --transactionShardCount 2

For additional configuration options, please see documentation for the OST Block Scanner.

6. Add Global Stats DynamoDB table:

  node lib/models/tableCreation.js --configFile $(pwd)/configuration.json

Start Block Scanner

  • Mandatory parameters: chainId, configFile
  • Optional parameters: startBlockNumber, endBlockNumber
  node ./node_modules/@ostdotcom/ost-block-scanner/executables/blockScanner.js --configFile $(pwd)/configuration.json --chainId 2000 --startBlockNumber 0 --endBlockNumber 100

Start Global Stats Aggregator

  node executables/GlobalAggregatorCron.js --configFile $(pwd)/configuration.json

Start OST VIEW application server

  npm start

With the browser of your choice, visit http://<Hostname or IP>:<port mentioned in configuration.json>.