Oliver Stark

Results 52 comments of Oliver Stark

Maybe it is related to old Jobs in the queue (created by Craft 3)? https://craftcms.com/docs/4.x/upgrade.html#performing-the-upgrade > Make sure you don’t have any pending or active jobs in your queue.

I think I solved the issue: https://github.com/ostark/craft-relax/releases/tag/2.0.1 (I assume you use the relax plugin too)

@DavidKabelitz Does it happen in all environments? Does ./craft queue/run -v work for you?

@brandonkelly Yes, but it's not full true. There are different deployment strategies depending on the stack: Universal Apps: overwrite but not delete (to keep user uploads) Pro App: fully atomic...

Applies to both stacks: During deployment files removed from git do not exist, which means: applying project config post composer install should work without any issues. In production we also...

AFAIK some state of Project Config is actively cached by Craft. It's definitely not related to OpCache or disk cache.

Related: https://github.com/ostark/craft-async-queue/issues/60

Oh, Craft introduced its own plugin/* commands now. They use the same try/catch https://github.com/craftcms/cms/blob/3.5/src/console/controllers/PluginController.php#L66-L71 and it fails (with success) the same way. All other commands work as expected for unknown...

Is slim still a thing? this package is fairly unmaintained.

Hard to guess. Is there something in the logs? (make sure to enable dev mode)