Every parameter in the navigation message has an integer value with a specific bit length and scale factor. See Table 20-III for example. These values has to be stuffed into...
Which source code did you try to compile? It seem not the one in the master repository.
u-blox receiver provides raw navigation message stream in hex format. Read the current ephemeris from the stream and feed it to the simulator.
Regarding the Intermediate Frequency (IF) and Sampling frequency values of generated GPSSIM.bin file
IF is zero Hz, and the sampling frequency is 2.6MHz by default.
Regarding the Intermediate Frequency (IF) and Sampling frequency values of generated GPSSIM.bin file
I'm not familiar with GNSS-SDRLIB, but the data type should be int16.
I got the same errors. Did the problem get resolved?
Yes, you're right. Line 1976 is redundant. I will fix this issue sometime.
I'm sure the update rate can be modified, but it is hard to tell which lines you have to adjust. I wrote the code a long time ago and can't...
gps-sdr-sim does not have such options.
GPS-SDR-SIM is not intended to run in real time. For HackRF, try multi-sdr-gps-sim: https://github.com/Mictronics/multi-sdr-gps-sim