Oscar Franco

Results 141 comments of Oscar Franco

ah, then it was the macOS version... every release is a bag of bugs nowadays :P anyways, glad to see it is fixed!

I just released a new version (1.1.36) can you try that one?

You won't be able to fix this with any settings, it's a problem with RN macOS and the UI view constraints, unfortunately I'm not able to reproduce the issue on...

If any UIKit expert is out there: https://github.com/ospfranco/sol/blob/main/macos/sol-macOS/AppDelegate.swift#L67 Any help getting auto constraints to work properly would be appreciated... I'll give a day or so, otherwise revert it to a...

I've released version 1.1.37, I've removed the blurry window effect (which was causing the window not being properly placed) let me know if you have issues still

There is a new release 1.1.40 with yet another try to fix the issue, let me know if it works

sure, sounds like a nice option

Will be there on the new version

I haven't even started thinking about internationalization yet. Not really sure what you mean, but if you think it is easy to implement you can submit a PR and I...

I kinda decided against it, because it adds complexity to the product, but I might revisit the idea if enough people ask for it