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Unable to build Google Test UI in Linux

Open kolliranjit opened this issue 9 years ago • 2 comments

I'm trying to build Google Test UI for linux and getting the following error xbuild Guitar.sln

XBuild Engine Version 0.1 Mono, Version Copyright (C) Marek Sieradzki 2005. All rights reserved. MSBUILD: error MSBUILD0000: Guitar.sln: Text node cannot appear in this state. Line 1, position 1.

Redhat Version: Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.5

Did anyone had the sane issue?

kolliranjit avatar Jul 23 '15 15:07 kolliranjit

same here

~/git/gtest-gbar/src$ xbuild Guitar.sln
XBuild Engine Version 12.0
Mono, Version
Copyright (C) 2005-2013 Various Mono authors

Build started 3/20/2017 5:12:42 PM.

is this project dead ? can anyone give a bit of support to compile it under Linux ? I don't know much about Mono.

Project "/home/vincent/git/gtest-gbar/src/Guitar.sln" (default target(s)):
	Target ValidateSolutionConfiguration:
		Building solution configuration "Debug|x86".
	Target Build:
		Project "/home/vincent/git/gtest-gbar/src/Guitar.csproj" (default target(s)):
			Target PrepareForBuild:
				Configuration: Release Platform: x86
			Target ResolveAssemblyReferences:
/usr/lib/mono/4.5/Microsoft.Common.targets:  warning : Reference 'System.configuration' not resolved
				For searchpath {CandidateAssemblyFiles}
				Warning: {CandidateAssemblyFiles} not supported currently
				For searchpath {HintPathFromItem}
				HintPath attribute not found
				For searchpath {TargetFrameworkDirectory}
				Considered target framework dir /usr/lib/mono/2.0, assembly named 'System.configuration' not found.
				For searchpath {PkgConfig}
				Considered System.configuration, but could not find in any pkg-config files.
				For searchpath {GAC}
				Considered System.configuration, but could not find in the GAC.
				For searchpath {RawFileName}
				Considered 'System.configuration' as a file, but the file does not exist
				For searchpath bin/Release/
				Considered '/home/vincent/git/gtest-gbar/src/bin/Release/System.configuration' as a file, but the file does not exist
				Considered '/home/vincent/git/gtest-gbar/src/bin/Release/System.configuration.exe' as a file, but the file does not exist
				Considered '/home/vincent/git/gtest-gbar/src/bin/Release/System.configuration.dll' as a file, but the file does not exist
			Target GenerateSatelliteAssemblies:
			No input files were specified for target GenerateSatelliteAssemblies, skipping.
			Target CoreCompile:
				Tool /usr/lib/mono/4.5/mcs.exe execution started with arguments: /noconfig /debug:pdbonly /optimize+ /out:obj/x86/Release/Guitar.exe /resource:obj/x86/Release/Guitar.GuitarForm.resources /resource:obj/x86/Release/Guitar.Properties.Resources.resources CommandLineParameters.cs Configurator.cs ColorProgressBar.cs ColorProgressBar.Designer.cs GoogleTestOutputParser.cs GuitarForm.cs GuitarForm.Designer.cs Program.cs Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs Properties/Resources.Designer.cs Properties/Settings.Designer.cs /target:winexe /define:TRACE /nostdlib /platform:x86 /reference:/usr/lib/mono/gac/System/ /reference:/usr/lib/mono/gac/System.Data/ /reference:/usr/lib/mono/gac/System.Drawing/ /reference:/usr/lib/mono/gac/System.Windows.Forms/ /reference:/usr/lib/mono/gac/System.Xml/ /warn:4
CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type `System.Object' is not defined or imported
CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type `System.ValueType' is not defined or imported
CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type `System.Attribute' is not defined or imported
CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type `System.Int32' is not defined or imported
CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type `System.UInt32' is not defined or imported
CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type `System.Int64' is not defined or imported
CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type `System.UInt64' is not defined or imported
CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type `System.Single' is not defined or imported
CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type `System.Double' is not defined or imported
CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type `System.Char' is not defined or imported
CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type `System.Int16' is not defined or imported
CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type `System.Decimal' is not defined or imported
CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type `System.Boolean' is not defined or imported
CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type `System.SByte' is not defined or imported
CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type `System.Byte' is not defined or imported
CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type `System.UInt16' is not defined or imported
CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type `System.String' is not defined or imported
CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type `System.Enum' is not defined or imported
CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type `System.Delegate' is not defined or imported
CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type `System.MulticastDelegate' is not defined or imported
CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type `System.Void' is not defined or imported
CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type `System.Array' is not defined or imported
CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type `System.Type' is not defined or imported
CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type `System.Collections.IEnumerator' is not defined or imported
CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type `System.Collections.IEnumerable' is not defined or imported
CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type `System.IDisposable' is not defined or imported
CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type `System.IntPtr' is not defined or imported
CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type `System.UIntPtr' is not defined or imported
CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type `System.RuntimeFieldHandle' is not defined or imported
CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type `System.RuntimeTypeHandle' is not defined or imported
CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type `System.Exception' is not defined or imported
			Task "Csc" execution -- FAILED
			Done building target "CoreCompile" in project "/home/vincent/git/gtest-gbar/src/Guitar.csproj".-- FAILED
		Done building project "/home/vincent/git/gtest-gbar/src/Guitar.csproj".-- FAILED
	Task "MSBuild" execution -- FAILED
	Done building target "Build" in project "/home/vincent/git/gtest-gbar/src/Guitar.sln".-- FAILED
Done building project "/home/vincent/git/gtest-gbar/src/Guitar.sln".-- FAILED



/home/vincent/git/gtest-gbar/src/Guitar.sln (default targets) ->
(Build target) ->
/home/vincent/git/gtest-gbar/src/Guitar.csproj (default targets) ->
/usr/lib/mono/4.5/Microsoft.Common.targets (ResolveAssemblyReferences target) ->

	/usr/lib/mono/4.5/Microsoft.Common.targets:  warning : Reference 'System.configuration' not resolved


/home/vincent/git/gtest-gbar/src/Guitar.sln (default targets) ->
(Build target) ->
/home/vincent/git/gtest-gbar/src/Guitar.csproj (default targets) ->
/usr/lib/mono/4.5/Microsoft.CSharp.targets (CoreCompile target) ->

	CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type `System.Object' is not defined or imported
	CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type `System.ValueType' is not defined or imported
	CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type `System.Attribute' is not defined or imported
	CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type `System.Int32' is not defined or imported
	CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type `System.UInt32' is not defined or imported
	CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type `System.Int64' is not defined or imported
	CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type `System.UInt64' is not defined or imported
	CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type `System.Single' is not defined or imported
	CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type `System.Double' is not defined or imported
	CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type `System.Char' is not defined or imported
	CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type `System.Int16' is not defined or imported
	CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type `System.Decimal' is not defined or imported
	CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type `System.Boolean' is not defined or imported
	CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type `System.SByte' is not defined or imported
	CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type `System.Byte' is not defined or imported
	CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type `System.UInt16' is not defined or imported
	CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type `System.String' is not defined or imported
	CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type `System.Enum' is not defined or imported
	CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type `System.Delegate' is not defined or imported
	CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type `System.MulticastDelegate' is not defined or imported
	CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type `System.Void' is not defined or imported
	CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type `System.Array' is not defined or imported
	CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type `System.Type' is not defined or imported
	CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type `System.Collections.IEnumerator' is not defined or imported
	CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type `System.Collections.IEnumerable' is not defined or imported
	CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type `System.IDisposable' is not defined or imported
	CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type `System.IntPtr' is not defined or imported
	CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type `System.UIntPtr' is not defined or imported
	CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type `System.RuntimeFieldHandle' is not defined or imported
	CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type `System.RuntimeTypeHandle' is not defined or imported
	CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type `System.Exception' is not defined or imported

	 1 Warning(s)
	 31 Error(s)

Time Elapsed 00:00:00.5832100

vin-d avatar Mar 20 '17 16:03 vin-d

As you can see, there is no active committer currently. You are welcome to fork, if you have the time. Thank you.

On Mon, Mar 20, 2017 at 6:19 PM, vin-d [email protected] wrote:

same here

~/git/gtest-gbar/src$ xbuild Guitar.sln XBuild Engine Version 12.0 Mono, Version Copyright (C) 2005-2013 Various Mono authors

Build started 3/20/2017 5:12:42 PM.

is this project dead ? can anyone give a bit of support to compile it under Linux ? I don't know much about Mono.

Project "/home/vincent/git/gtest-gbar/src/Guitar.sln" (default target(s)): Target ValidateSolutionConfiguration: Building solution configuration "Debug|x86". Target Build: Project "/home/vincent/git/gtest-gbar/src/Guitar.csproj" (default target(s)): Target PrepareForBuild: Configuration: Release Platform: x86 Target ResolveAssemblyReferences: /usr/lib/mono/4.5/Microsoft.Common.targets: warning : Reference 'System.configuration' not resolved For searchpath {CandidateAssemblyFiles} Warning: {CandidateAssemblyFiles} not supported currently For searchpath {HintPathFromItem} HintPath attribute not found For searchpath {TargetFrameworkDirectory} Considered target framework dir /usr/lib/mono/2.0, assembly named 'System.configuration' not found. For searchpath {PkgConfig} Considered System.configuration, but could not find in any pkg-config files. For searchpath {GAC} Considered System.configuration, but could not find in the GAC. For searchpath {RawFileName} Considered 'System.configuration' as a file, but the file does not exist For searchpath bin/Release/ Considered '/home/vincent/git/gtest-gbar/src/bin/Release/System.configuration' as a file, but the file does not exist Considered '/home/vincent/git/gtest-gbar/src/bin/Release/System.configuration.exe' as a file, but the file does not exist Considered '/home/vincent/git/gtest-gbar/src/bin/Release/System.configuration.dll' as a file, but the file does not exist Target GenerateSatelliteAssemblies: No input files were specified for target GenerateSatelliteAssemblies, skipping. Target CoreCompile: Tool /usr/lib/mono/4.5/mcs.exe execution started with arguments: /noconfig /debug:pdbonly /optimize+ /out:obj/x86/Release/Guitar.exe /resource:obj/x86/Release/Guitar.GuitarForm.resources /resource:obj/x86/Release/Guitar.Properties.Resources.resources CommandLineParameters.cs Configurator.cs ColorProgressBar.cs ColorProgressBar.Designer.cs GoogleTestOutputParser.cs GuitarForm.cs GuitarForm.Designer.cs Program.cs Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs Properties/Resources.Designer.cs Properties/Settings.Designer.cs /target:winexe /define:TRACE /nostdlib /platform:x86 /reference:/usr/lib/mono/gac/System/ /reference:/usr/lib/mono/gac/System.Data/ /reference:/usr/lib/mono/gac/System.Drawing/ /reference:/usr/lib/mono/gac/System.Windows.Forms/ /reference:/usr/lib/mono/gac/System.Xml/ /warn:4 CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type System.Object' is not defined or imported CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type System.ValueType' is not defined or imported CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type System.Attribute' is not defined or imported CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type System.Int32' is not defined or imported CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type System.UInt32' is not defined or imported CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type System.Int64' is not defined or imported CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type System.UInt64' is not defined or imported CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type System.Single' is not defined or imported CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type System.Double' is not defined or imported CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type System.Char' is not defined or imported CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type System.Int16' is not defined or imported CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type System.Decimal' is not defined or imported CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type System.Boolean' is not defined or imported CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type System.SByte' is not defined or imported CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type System.Byte' is not defined or imported CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type System.UInt16' is not defined or imported CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type System.String' is not defined or imported CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type System.Enum' is not defined or imported CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type System.Delegate' is not defined or imported CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type System.MulticastDelegate' is not defined or imported CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type System.Void' is not defined or imported CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type System.Array' is not defined or imported CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type System.Type' is not defined or imported CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type System.Collections.IEnumerator' is not defined or imported CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type System.Collections.IEnumerable' is not defined or imported CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type System.IDisposable' is not defined or imported CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type System.IntPtr' is not defined or imported CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type System.UIntPtr' is not defined or imported CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type System.RuntimeFieldHandle' is not defined or imported CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type System.RuntimeTypeHandle' is not defined or imported CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type `System.Exception' is not defined or imported Task "Csc" execution -- FAILED Done building target "CoreCompile" in project "/home/vincent/git/gtest-gbar/src/Guitar.csproj".-- FAILED Done building project "/home/vincent/git/gtest-gbar/src/Guitar.csproj".-- FAILED Task "MSBuild" execution -- FAILED Done building target "Build" in project "/home/vincent/git/gtest-gbar/src/Guitar.sln".-- FAILED Done building project "/home/vincent/git/gtest-gbar/src/Guitar.sln".-- FAILED



/home/vincent/git/gtest-gbar/src/Guitar.sln (default targets) -> (Build target) -> /home/vincent/git/gtest-gbar/src/Guitar.csproj (default targets) -> /usr/lib/mono/4.5/Microsoft.Common.targets (ResolveAssemblyReferences target) ->

/usr/lib/mono/4.5/Microsoft.Common.targets: warning : Reference 'System.configuration' not resolved


/home/vincent/git/gtest-gbar/src/Guitar.sln (default targets) -> (Build target) -> /home/vincent/git/gtest-gbar/src/Guitar.csproj (default targets) -> /usr/lib/mono/4.5/Microsoft.CSharp.targets (CoreCompile target) ->

CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type System.Object' is not defined or imported CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type System.ValueType' is not defined or imported CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type System.Attribute' is not defined or imported CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type System.Int32' is not defined or imported CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type System.UInt32' is not defined or imported CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type System.Int64' is not defined or imported CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type System.UInt64' is not defined or imported CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type System.Single' is not defined or imported CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type System.Double' is not defined or imported CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type System.Char' is not defined or imported CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type System.Int16' is not defined or imported CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type System.Decimal' is not defined or imported CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type System.Boolean' is not defined or imported CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type System.SByte' is not defined or imported CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type System.Byte' is not defined or imported CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type System.UInt16' is not defined or imported CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type System.String' is not defined or imported CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type System.Enum' is not defined or imported CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type System.Delegate' is not defined or imported CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type System.MulticastDelegate' is not defined or imported CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type System.Void' is not defined or imported CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type System.Array' is not defined or imported CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type System.Type' is not defined or imported CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type System.Collections.IEnumerator' is not defined or imported CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type System.Collections.IEnumerable' is not defined or imported CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type System.IDisposable' is not defined or imported CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type System.IntPtr' is not defined or imported CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type System.UIntPtr' is not defined or imported CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type System.RuntimeFieldHandle' is not defined or imported CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type System.RuntimeTypeHandle' is not defined or imported CSC: error CS0518: The predefined type `System.Exception' is not defined or imported

1 Warning(s) 31 Error(s)

Time Elapsed 00:00:00.5832100

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Omri Spector

Phone: +972-50-2190755 | Mail: [email protected] [email protected] | Web:

ospector avatar Mar 20 '17 21:03 ospector