
Results 15 issues of osowiecki

How would you map mate-pair fastq filest to the reference genome? Someone on the web recommended (in 2010) to reverse complement my reads using fastx_reverse_complement and then map as usual....

Hi, do you plan to add translations to the rulesets in the future? The Interface of the application is displayed correctly in polish but rules are all static html files....

I've just checked and I can see a variant : 1 211980 . C CAG 53 PASS CIGAR=1M2I;RU=AG;REFREP=0;IDREP=1;MQ=60 GT:GQ:GQX:DPI:AD:ADF:ADR:FT:PL 1/1:12:10:23:0,5:0,3:0,2:PASS:94,15,0 That has 0 coverage in the bam file. Checked every...

dotnet /media/2/CORN/CreateGenomeSizeFile_5.2.10.49/CreateGenomeSizeFile.dll -g /media/2/CORN/data/zea_mays /Sequence/WholeGenomeFasta/ -s 'Zea mays (B73_RefGen_v4)' -o /media/2/CORN/data/Canvas/O/ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- CreateGenomeSizeFile Copyright (c) Illumina 2019 https://github.com/Illumina/Pisces --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12/25/19 4:54 PM 1 ************* Starting ************** 12/25/19 4:54 PM...

I'm using a dog dbsnp file with identical format to files supplied by Canvas team. How should I prepare my dbsnp file or ploidy.vcf for canvas to stop complaining about...

Latest version of Canvas crashed on my machine complaining that it requires libpng12.so.0. Ubuntu 18.04+ does not ship with libpng12-0 anymore. This should be an easy fix. Meanwhile anyone can...

You get permission denied error trying to run canvas executables under linux in recent releases. You need to give all executable files correct permission to run Canvas applications. Give them...

Can you add an option to resize UI icon size? Thanks

What default value are you using?

In [DSK: Pass 1/1, Step 2: counting kmers ] the memory limit seems to be ignored. Minia went over the ram limit and entered SWAP.