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[Bug]: Expedited Flag not functional in CLI for some Gov Props
What happened?
Created governance proposal of type update-migration-records-proposal with --is-expedited=true
This generated a proposal with the Expedited flag set to false when it should be an expedited proposal.
Osmosis Version
v18.0.0, also used v17.0.0
How to reproduce?
osmosisd tx gov submit-proposal update-migration-records-proposal --migration-records=674,1066 --from=osmo19mywfjzj324w5ukf7ss6jak0dg9hnljfp0rfx4 --deposit=5000000000uosmo --gas=auto --gas-prices 0.0025uosmo --gas-adjustment 1.3 --title="Expedited: Repair migration for already approved CL pools" --description="..." --is-expedited=true
See preview json of "is_expedited":false
This may also apply to other gov props of similar types as they seems to be set up the same way.
cc @czarcas7ic is this still valid?
Is likely still valid yes