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How do I use with typescript?
Typescript Zustand Docs: https://github.com/pmndrs/zustand/blob/main/docs/guides/typescript.md
getting errors, the syntax is weird with typescript
@Brentably I was able to finally get this to compile and work, and show up in a chrome browser. The answer was basically hacking the middleware that doesn't change the store type to call zukeeper instead of logging. Hope it helps.
import createAppSlice, { AppSlice } from "./_AppSlice"
import createDataSlice, { DataSlice } from "./_DataStore"
import { State, StateCreator, StoreMutatorIdentifier, create } from "zustand"
import { immer } from "zustand/middleware/immer"
import zukeeper from "zukeeper"
export type StoreState = AppSlice & DataSlice
// example section here
type ZukeeperTS = <
T extends State,
Mps extends [StoreMutatorIdentifier, unknown][] = [],
Mcs extends [StoreMutatorIdentifier, unknown][] = [],
f: StateCreator<T, Mps, Mcs>,
) => StateCreator<T, Mps, Mcs>
type ZukeeperTSImplType = <T extends State>(
f: StateCreator<T, [], []>,
) => StateCreator<T, [], []>
const zukeeperTs: ZukeeperTSImplType = (...a) => {
return zukeeper(...a)
export const zukeeperTsLogger = zukeeperTs as unknown as ZukeeperTS
// end example section
const useBoundStore = create<StoreState>()(
zukeeperTsLogger((...a) => ({
// also needed to add this
declare global {
interface Window {
store: any
window.store = useBoundStore
export default useBoundStore
The above solution worked for most of the problems but for some reason, trying to run the nextjs project it throws error related to the window declaration:
⨯ src/@shared/store/store.ts (77:1) @ window
⨯ ReferenceError: window is not defined
at eval (webpack-internal:///./src/@shared/store/store.ts:41:1) {
page: '/'
75 | }
76 |
> 77 | window.store = useBoundStore
| ^
78 |
79 | export const useStore = useBoundStore
80 |
✓ Compiled /_error in 44ms (1183 modules)